CQRLOG to HRDLOG communication failure

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CQRLOG to HRDLOG communication failure

Since 31 October, my CQRLOG loading to HRDLOG has stopped working. Nothing was changed in the settings of either software. My HRDLOG codeword is confirmed as correct and entered in the CQRLOG preferences. Recent QSOs are still entering CQRLOG correctly, but not appearing in HRDLOG.
However, on every new CQRLOG entry, since 31 October, I get the same error message - cannot delete the entry of 7L8RU. And no QSO entered in HRDLOG since then.
To check HRDLOG, I manually have entered an ADIF file into HRDLOG with my November QSOs, and that worked.
Is there a problem in the communication interface of CQRLOG or is it in HRDLOG ?
Help please!
Robin, 9H1ZZ

CQRLOG to HRDLOG communication failure

HI Robin!

That sounds similar problems as there has often seen with Clublog.
Have you tried to upload all your qsos manually to be up to date and after that use "QSO list/Online log/Hrdlog.net/Mark all QSO uploaded" ?


CQRLOG to HRDLOG communication failure

Hi Saku!

Thanks for your comments. I don't use Clublog, so have not seen those problems reported.
I already manually uploaded to HRDLOG the updates to my CQRLOG log and used "Mark all QSO uploaded", both globally and specifically for HRDLOG. Still the same result in the status box:

HRDLog: Deleting original 7P8RU
HRDLog: Could not delete original QSO data!

It does not matter what I enter in CQRLOG (editing an existing QSO or entering new ones), I always get the exact above message. All new QSOs are correctly appearing in CQRLOG listings, but nothing gets to HRDLOG.
So it looks like my QSO with 7P8RU is stuck somehow in the communication path and blocking access, until it can be cleared. Hope it is not a problem related to that specific call sign.
Any Ideas on how to clear the blockage?
Thanks for your help
73 Robin, 9H1ZZ


Managed to clear the offending QSO (with 7P8RU) by resending just this QSO again, as a single record in a separate ADIF file, directly into HRDLOG.
Then selecting the QSO with 7P8RU and invoke QSO edit of CQRLOG. Finally saving the QSO again with no changes.
This seemed now to allow deletion and re-creation of the QSO correctly.
My guess is that the original QSO record got corrupted.

Saku, thanks for your comments, they helped to point me in the right direction and find the solution.
Robin, 9H1ZZ


HI Robin!
Nice to hear that !

My next suggestion would have been to check from QSO list/Fiter/SQL console the following view:

Typing the text to upper part and pressing green big arrow (top, leftmost) should give "ALLDONE" to bottom part of window.
If there are qsos to handle there would be more lines.

Now when you find very clever way to handle the situation we do not know would there be another line than "ALLDONE".
In that case it might have helped if that line were removed by typing "delete from log_changes where id=X" where X would have been number of the line (ALLDONE has id=1) and after typing execute the command line by pressing big green arrow (top, lefmost).

I did write this up to store a suggestion for possible future use. There is no guarntee that it would have worked.

I do not use external online logs, so this part of cqrlog is more or less gray area for me.




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