WARNING! Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session! All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log. /td>


Voice messages

Voice keying can be used in same way as CW messages.
Either pressing function keys F1 .. F10 when "NewQso"-window is active, or clicking buttons F1 .. F10 from "CWkeys"-window.

If mode is SSB, FM or AM then voice messages will be sent. Otherwise CW messages will be sent.

When F-key is pressed, or button clicked, program will execute a script at ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/voice_keyer.sh with Fkey name (F1 .. F10) as 1st parameter.
Script will then do what user wants to happen with that key/button. It can be anything, not just playing a voice recording.

Here is a sample of script. Modfy it against your needs:

# install sox with all soundformats support
# Use "rec F1.mp3" to record F1 message. End recording with Ctrl-C.
# same with F2.mp3 Etc....
# you may use also mpg123 or what ever terminal mode player you wish

# cqrlog "TRX control"/"Extra command line arguments" add following
# text  "-p /dev/ttyXXX -P YYY" (you may already have some text there) 
# Where  XXX os the same device as you have in "TRX control"/"Device"
# and YYY is the line you have connected (via relay or transistor) to
# your rig's PTT (usually DTR or RTS)
# At "TRX control"/"Radio xxx serial parameters set handshake none
# and at least your YYY (DTR or RTS) to "Unset"

if ! ps aux | grep -q '[m]pg123'
  #ptt via rigctld on
  echo 'T1' | nc --send-only -t 4532
  #select audio card (if more than one)
  #export AUDIODEV=hw:1,0
  #play F-key message
  mpg123 ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/$1.mp3
  #halt playing message (if pressed while playing)
  killall mpg123
  #ptt via rigctld off
  echo 'T0' | nc --send-only -t 4532
#end of script
