WARNING! Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session! All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log. /td>


Start and stop scripts

"Run at cqrlog start" and "Run at cqrlog stop" calls to scripts:

They are called when program is up/goes down and rigctld is still running. You can do anything with them.
If you have PC controlled relay box you can start your coffee maker when cqrlog starts and when cqlog is closed switch coffee maker off :D :D :D
If you have rotctld yuo can turn your antenna to start direction. With rigctld you can power your rig, or/and set your favorite frequency and mode when cqrlog starts.
At cqrlog closing phase 1000ms (1sec) wait time is added so that script can access to rigctld before it goes down. This should be enough to execute a command.
Some examples for script with rigctld commands (for more consult "man rigctld"):

     # remove # from beginning of line you want to take in use:
     #echo -n -e '\x87'0 |  nc localhost 4532 #Turns rig power OFF
     #echo -n -e '\x87'1 |  nc localhost 4532 #Turns rig power ON
     #echo -n -e '\x87'2 |  nc localhost 4532 #Turns rig power STANDBY
     #echo -n -e F 3510000 |  nc localhost 4532 # Set frequency to 3.510Mhz
     #echo -n -e M USB 0 |  nc localhost 4532 #Set mode USB with default filter width
     #echo -n -e M CW 500 |  nc localhost 4532 #Set mode CW with 500Hz filter (must be installed)
For stop.sh it is just a copy of start.sh with different lines selected (# removed from start)
Remember to chmod a+x start.sh and stop.sh to make them execute for all.

NOTE: Your rig may not start with rigctld power-on command if it is totally powered of (CPU is not running).
In that case try to set it to stand by-state at closing time. Then it may start again with power-on command.
