Cqrlog Ver:2.3.0 (213) Date:2019-03-16 **** DEBUG LEVEL 1 **** SSL libraries: libssl.so libcrypto.so Loaded 127477 LoTW users Loaded 121262 eQSL users Loaded 38264 SCP calls * User home directory: /home/meier/ Program home directory: /home/meier/.config/cqrlog/ Data directory: /home/meier/.config/cqrlog/database/ Memebers directory: /home/meier/.config/cqrlog/members/ ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/ Binary dir: /usr/bin/ Share dir: /usr/share/cqrlog/ * 56 us states loaded /usr/bin/mysqld MySQLProcess.Executable: /usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/meier/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/meier/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/meier/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:1 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:2 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:3 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:4 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:5 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:6 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:7 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:8 Closing DXCluster window Closing TRXControl window Closing GrayLine window Closing dDXCC Closing dData