Cannot connect to the Internet?

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Cannot connect to the Internet?

Just moved from Fedora to Debian recently and installed CQRLOG version 1.9.0 on my computer.  Since then I've been unable to make CQRLOG connect to the Internet.  It fails to connect to the DXcluster, to upload my logs to Clublog, and to export and import QSL information using LoTW.  I'm not sure why this is happening.  Below is the debug information:

$ cqrlog --debug=1

**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****

Loading libssl: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Loading libcrypto: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Loading libmysqlclient: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
MySQL version: 5.5
MySQL version assigned:  5.500000000000000000E+00
Loaded 85395 LoTW users
Loaded 92309 eQSL users
Loaded 46081 SCP calls
User home directory:    /home/user/
Program home directory: /home/user/.config/cqrlog/
Data directory:         /home/user/.config/cqrlog/database/
Memebers directory:     /usr/share/cqrlog/members/
ZIP code directory:     /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/
Binary dir:             /usr/bin/
Share dir:              /usr/share/cqrlog/
TConnection to MySQL:   5.5
Trying to connect to database
150803 16:05:27 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.5.44-0+deb8u1) starting as process 18905 ...
Server connect failed.
Trying to connect to database
Server connect failed.
select * from tables where table_schema = 'cqrlog_common'

SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr

use cqrlog002

use cqrlog002

use cqrlog002

use cqrlog002

SELECT * FROM cqrlog_config

select * from db_version

select * from cqrlog_common.db_version

SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF

SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF

RunRigCtld: FALSE
RigPoll:    500
RigId:      1

rigctld started!
Connected to localhost:4532

RunRotCtld: FALSE
RotPoll:    500
RotId:      1

rotctld started!
Connected to localhost:4533
CW init
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = 6

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = 6

select locator from profiles where nr = 6

select locator from profiles where nr = 6

6-FM18RQ;Chesapeake Beach;TS-2000X OCF Dipole;
select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0

LoadForm: frmMain
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cqrlog_main

select count(*) from (select distinct adif from cqrlog_main where adif <> 0 and (adif not in (2,8,19,23,25,26,28,30,39,42,44,55,57,58,59,67,68,81,85,93,101,102,113,115,119,127,128,139,151,154,155,164,178,183,184,186,193,193,194,196,198,200,208,210,218,220,226,228,229,231,243,244,255,258,261,264,267,268,271,307,488,493))) as foo

select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND ((qsl_r = 'Q') OR (lotw_qslr = 'L') OR (eqsl_qsl_rcvd='E'))) as foo

SaveForm: frmMain
Closing QSO list window
OnCloseQuery - NewQSO
select count(*) from cqrlog002.cqrlog_config

Saving ini file to database
select count(*) from cqrlog002.cqrlog_config

Saving ini file to database
Closing DXCluster window
Closing TRXControl window
Closing GrayLine window
Closing dDXCC
Deleting config file: cqrlog.cfg
Deleting config file: 2cqrlog.cfg
Closing dData
kill 18905

(cqrlog:18901): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 11 was not found when attempting to remove it

(cqrlog:18901): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 10 was not found when attempting to remove it

(cqrlog:18901): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 43 was not found when attempting to remove it

(cqrlog:18901): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 42 was not found when attempting to remove it

(cqrlog:18901): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 48 was not found when attempting to remove it

(cqrlog:18901): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 47 was not found when attempting to remove it
Closing ini file ...
[TGtk2WidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 1 TimerInfo structures left, I'll free them

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Cannot connect to the Internet?

are you behind any proxy or something like that? What is in console when you try to upload/download from eQSL/LoTW or use a callbook?
73 Petr, OK2CQR

Not behind any proxy. The

Not behind any proxy. The only change was a move from Fedora to Debian. Is there some sort of configuration change that needs to be made?

FWIW, I've found this problem to be intermittent. CQRLOG usually cannot connect to the network connection for any reason but every so often it does work. I'm not able to figure out why.


Same problem?

I've migrated back from Debian to Fedora and I've been able to get LoTW and online logging working again (just works). I am unable to get callbook retrieval working, however. I've tried both hamqth (preferred) and but I get the same error on both: incorrect username/password. I've double checked these entries and still no luck.

I wonder if this is due to both of these sites going https and CQRLOG is only using http when requesting the data? There should be a redirect but I don't know if CQRLOG is handling this well or not. Also, is there some sort of limitation for passwords (complexity and length)?

Running version 1.9.1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<QRZDatabase version="1.24" xmlns="">
<Error>Username/password incorrect </Error>
<GMTime>Thu Jul 14 16:47:51 2016</GMTime>
<Remark>cpu: 5.140s</Remark>

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<HamQTH version="2.6" xmlns="">
<error>Wrong user name or password</error>

Seems to be password

Seems to be password complexity that's the problem, here. I reset my password to something with just letters and numbers (no special characters) and the callbook function is working again.