After long time of development we are ready to release the first alpha version of 1.0.0. It took quite long time, I’ve discovered a few wrong ways and have learned a lot of new things.
How to upgrade from previous versions?
Since version 1.0.0 CQRLOG uses MySQL embedded database which is not compatible with files created in older version. The only safe way to make this upgrade is the ADIF export of your log data from the CQRLOG version 0.9.5 or older. Remember to check the Show all QSOs' option in Preferences → Program. Check also the Preferences → Export and carefully check all fields you want to export. Go to the QSO list window (CTRL+O), from upper menu bar choose File → Export → ADIF. Export all your QSO data and import to new version.
If you use large notes (CTRL+N) these notes are not exported to ADIF file – they can contain everything and can be large. The only way how to export is using copy&paste to new CQRLOG version.
CQRLOG packages for Ubuntu
I’m sorry but don’t know how to create good RPM packages. I can use checkinstall but it doesn’t care about dependencies, so there are only DEB packages for Ubuntu 10.04 and higher - both architectures (32 and 64bit).
How to install CQRLOG?
Installation is very easy. Just download deb file with meets your architecture to you computer and double-click on it. Package installer will appear and you click to Install package button. This also solves all necessary dependencies. After installation finish, you’ll find CQRLOG in Applications -> Accessories.
If you want to build your own deb package, you can download cqrlog_1.0.0~alpha1.deb.src and create it. This targ.gz includes .changes, .dsc and compressed source code of CQRLOG.
CQRLOG for other distributions?
Because I’m not sure how to create good RPM files, there is also compressed whole application directory. You can download it, untar and copy where you want. It should work at any distribution but don’t forget to install MySQL server, MySQL client and hamlib libraries, first. After first attempt to run the program, databases will be created in ~/.config/cqrlog and all other files copied into the same directory. You don’t have to wait till someone creates package for your favourite Linux distribution.
Please DO NOT leave your current CQRLOG version that you are using. This alpha version could be unstable, but I’ll be very happy if you download it and do some tests. If you’ll find a bug or will have a suggestion please let me know here to the CQRLOG’s forum or send me an email to I have also jabber and my jabber address is (I have my own jabber server). Thank you.
Looks good
Submitted by la4vga on
I've just tried the new version, and it looks good so far.
Mandriva 2010.0 on a laptop. I used the copy/paste install-method.
My first impression is that it is faster with the GUI than 0.9.6.
I also got the TRX-communication via TCP (rigctld) to work now.
The little flag indicating a LoTW-user is not present anymore. Really liked that one.
Good luck onwards
73 de Børge / LA4VGA
Re: Looks good
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Borge,
this works. Please copy lotw1.txt to .config/cqrlog, run cqrlog and it will work.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Looks good
Submitted by la4vga on
cd ~/.config/cqrlog
Yes it works !
One other question:
I have looked into the database-structure.
qsodate and time_on/off are declared as varchar.
I guess You have thought of declaring as "date"?
Maybe late to do it now because of changes in the tables and interface.
I am thinking of that it might have some effect of speed on larger databases.
Just an idea.
73 de Børge / LA4VGA
Where do CQRLOG reside
Submitted by la3rk on
You say I should move lotw1.txt to .config/
Where do I find this folder/file? I have not been able to locate it on my Kubuntu installation.
73 de Olaf LA3RK
Re: Where do CQRLOG reside
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Olaf,
you have to copy lotw1.txt to ~/.config/cqrlog.
Please open the terminal and run these commands:
cd ~/.config/cqrlog
Hopefuly, you have wget installed.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
ADIF Import Error
Submitted by KD0DOS on
When importing a standard ADIF file into version 1.0.0~alpha1 I get the following error log:
ADIF export from CQRLOG for Linux version 1.0.0~alpha1
Copyright (C) 2009 by Petr, OK2CQR and Martin, OK1RR
ERROR: Wrong QSO mode: SSB
ERROR: Wrong QSO mode: SSB
Due to this error no log data is imported.
ADIF Import Error
Submitted by w6fm on
I get the same thing when trying to import a log from a ADIF file generated by Ham Radio Deluxe. The error log for 0.96 contained the ADIF record with the error which was much more useful. I can email you an ADIF record that will not import to 1.0.0~alpha1 if that would help.
Ron W6FM
Re: ADIF Import Error
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Ron,
It would help a lot. Please send me that ADIF file. I'
ll try to fix it. Thank you.
73 Petr
ADIF Import error...
Submitted by YO9GRD on
I try to find why error messages appears (wrong mode:ssb, wrong wrong waz zone:15,....) and I figure that is the adif formatting (if I could say so)... eg.:
from HRD (for eqso or not...) ...
"<"band:2">"2m "<"call:6">"XX0XXX "<"freq:10">"1440000000 "<"EOF">"
and from cqrlog ...
did you see the "white space" at the end of each record on HRD adif? for we espect to have 2 chars but in fact there's 3 (2m ) -"white space"....
From my point of view I think that is the problem... so I try to remove "white space" "by hand" and then import was almost fine :D
73 Bogdan
P.S. I put "" on < because of html tags.....
ADIF Import Error ...
Submitted by KD0DOS on
Hello Bogdan,
The extra white space in Ron's HRD log should not cause any problems.
From the ADIF Specification:
"It is important for the programmer importing ADIF data to note that any number of characters of any value may follow the actual data in a field. For example, carriage return/linefeed, or just a line feed. There is nothing in the specifications to prevent an exporter from placing a comment after the actual data. Therefore, after reading a field’s data based on the length specification, the programmer should read and discard characters until the start of a new field (<) or an "EOR" is encountered."
73, de Tom
adif import error...
Submitted by YO9GRD on
Hi Tom,
I understand the that, but I observe that is the problem... I'm not a programmer (in this area my knowledge is limited but I can handle with some source code... VB, html...) After I manually replace " <" with "<" the import works fine...
73, Bogdan
L.E. see what Dan-W3DF say some comments up....
Re: ADIF Import Error ...
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Actually, this extra spaces caused the problem. My false, I'm sorry. I found out the problem thanks to your ADIF file. It is already fixed but not commited to svn yet. I must do more testing.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Re: ADIF Import Error
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Tom,
could you send me your adif file? I'd like to fix this error and add more usefull output for ADIF errors. Thank you.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
QS_S date and QS_R date
Submitted by DH1UZ on
in the QS_S date field appears after impport an ADIF-file not the date
in the QS_R date field the import is OK, but the format is different from the rest (20110321 and all other dates are in this format 2011-03-13)
the import of the LOTW dates are fine.
but over all a great work
73 de Uwe (DH1UZ)
Re: QS_S date and QS_R date
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Uwe,
thank you for bug report. I'll fix it.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
No QSO Import
Submitted by W3DF on
I have the same problem as another user. None of my QSOs will import, All 52000+ of them. I looked at the error file and it said wrong mode CW..... wrong mode SSB, etc.
I looked at my exported ADIF from Logger32 for Windows (it imported OK under CQRLOG 0.9.6) and the one created from a few dummy QSOs I entered into CQRLOG and the only difference I saw was a space between fields like this
versus the CQRLOG ADIF which did not have the space... like this
So I tried a little experiment.... I removed the spaces from a few of the LOGGER32 exported QSOs and imported them back into CQRLOG. They imported OK but the entires with the spaces between the fields did not. I don't know why it chokes on the mode field and not the others..... Petr you can figure that one out.
73, Dan (W3DF)
RE: No QSO Import
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Dan,
I've fixed the problem. On weekend I'm going to release alpha2 version and import shoould work. I apologize for my mistakes. I've tested import only with ADIF files generated from older versions of CQRLOG and there are no extra spaces between fields.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
ADIF Import Stops after about 10700 QSOs
Submitted by W3DF on
I had a problem importing my log. I found that spaces in the adif file caused error "wrong mode".
As a experiment I removed all spaces from the log. Now only about 10700 of my 52000+ QSOs import. I checked the box for ADIF > 10,000 QSOs but still it does not import all QSOs only a little more than 10000 with about 1500 errors. Some of the imported QSOs have blank fields also.
I think I will wait for a while before I use this version of CQRLOG. The older one worked much better for me.
73, Dan
CQRLOG 1.0.0 alpha
Submitted by la3rk on
Has downloaded and tested the alpha version. No problems with download and installation on Kubuntu. Import of old log via ADIF went ok without major problems. Rig control up and running, has sofar only tested the serial interface.
Moving to MySQL is in my mind a step forward as integrating the logbook with other applications now seem easier. I am more familiar with MySQL than other databases.
Congratulations to the developers for a job well done.
Some observations:
1. QSO listing in show all qso's are with newest on top. Used to be newest at bottom. As the New window lists previous qso's with newest at bottom, show all should be same. And after all, paper logs and for that matter all other logs are written with newest at bottom. Could not find anywhere to change this.
2. In previous version you could right click on older qso's shown in new window and start an edit directly. Now it is necessary to start tne show all qso window to edit earlier qso's. This is a hazzle as I sometimes need to go back to recently saved qsos still shown in new window, would like to be able to edit from new window.
3. Earlier one could press left mousebutton in new qso window to move from field to field, this does not seem to work anymore.
73 de Olaf
Re: CQRLOG 1.0.0 alpha
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Hi Olaf,
I've removed options for it. Now is descending sorting as a default. I thought nobody was using it and when I developed paging for QSO list window, I removed it.
I found the error about right click mouse before aplha1 release but I forget to fix it. Thank you for bug report, I'll fix it now. It solves also bug with moving columns.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Doesn't work for me on Mandriva 2010.2
Submitted by kb2ing on
Here is the console output:
[krisbee2010@localhost bin]$ cqrlog
Loading library: /usr/lib/
Loading library: /usr/lib/
Loading library: /usr/lib/
Program home directory: /home/krisbee2010/.config/cqrlog/
Data directory: /home/krisbee2010/.config/cqrlog/database/
Memebers directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/members/
ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/
Binary dir: /usr/bin/
/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/krisbee2010/.config/cqrlog/database/my.cnf --default-storage-engine=MyISAM --datadir=/home/krisbee2010/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/krisbee2010/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --skip-grant-tables --port=64000 --key_buffer_size=32M --key_buffer_size=4096K --skip-innodb
Could not open required defaults file: /home/krisbee2010/.config/cqrlog/database/my.cnf
Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted
110505 21:21:42 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-innodb'
110505 21:21:42 [ERROR] Aborting
110505 21:21:42 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
Then, ignoring that error it has another error and then just craps out:
TCustomForm.SetActiveControl frmDBConnect:TfrmDBConnect AWinControl=btnOpenLog:TButton GetParentForm(AWinControl)=frmDBConnect:TfrmDBConnect csLoading=False AWinControl.CanFocus=False IsControlVisible=True Enabled=False
TApplication.HandleException Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
Stack trace:
Closing BandMap window
Closing DXCluster window
Closing TRXControl window
Closing GrayLine window
Any ideas?
Re: Doesn't work for me on Mandriva 2010.2
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Very interesting.
What MySQL version do you have installed? I see this error for the first time.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Re: Doesn't work for me on Mandriva 2010.2
Submitted by kb2ing on
MySQL = 5.1.55 (here is the dump of any sql packages installed on my system)
Re: Re: Doesn't work for me on Mandriva 2010.2
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Interesting. I'll try to install Mandriva Linux into VMware and let you know if I was successful or not.
73 Petr
Re: Doesn't work for me on Mandriva 2010.2
Submitted by ok2cqr on
Just fixed the problem. Parameter --skip-innodb removed.
I have Mandriva 2010.1 spring in vmware and it is working. I've installed all necessary packages and build cqrlog from sources. All is working as expected. Next version will include bug fix.
73 Petr, OK2CQR