New user policy at CQRLOG.COM

There is obligatory to protect our users from spam, email address harvesting, identity theft, etc. Unfortunately, users like CialisTab with an email at became signed-up. Such users were deleted without any warning. This is the reason to introduce a new type of user policy since April, 21, 2009. Now, any new signup should wait until became approved by the site administrator.

Use preferably your callsign as your user name. Be aware of your email address you plan to enter here, some "mass providers" like, etc. can be considered as untrusted. The best way is to use a personalized e-mail address containing a valid, verifiable amateur radio callsign. User name like g3xtj with email like or WW4NN and email is GOOD, another user john_thompson with email is considered as UNTRUSTED and, finally, CialisWorth with email is definitely BAD and his request will be rejected without any warning.

We urge you to change your signup details to meet the criteria above. We plan a site cleanup for May, 1st, 2009, where all users with signup options not meeting the criteria above AND who never visited this site since thweir signup will be removed.

Many thanks for your understanding.