2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

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2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

Hi, everybody. Finally got LoTW installed and ran into this issue when I tried to sign and upload my log.

LoTW rejected it, and it turns out that the "Mode" is being displayed as "Main" (the receiver I'm using) instead of what mode the transceiver is operating in.

As soon as I manually change "mode" to SSB, it polls the rig and changes it back to "Main", which isn't a mode, and LoTW spits it back.

I uninstalled the hamlib and CQRlog packages my system (Kubuntu 20.04) used with the "Discover" tool, and installed extra repositories for CQRlog and Hamlib to be sure I have the newest versions, 2.5.2(001), and Hamlib 4.2, so I thought that would fix it, but it does the same thing.

Is it a bug in Hamlib, CQRlog, or a user setting I'm totally missing?

CQRlog works fine, tracks the radio frequency just fine, but always indicates the wrong selection for "MODE".

I'm stumped!

73, Jim KQ0EA

2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

Hi Jim!

It seems to be Hamlib problem.

When cqrlog is running open command console and type:
telnet localhost 4532
If that causes error you have to install telnet package.
If there were no errors then give
fmv (and press enter)

You should see something like this:
[saku@hamtpad ~]$ telnet localhost 4532
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
RPRT -11

The "RPRT -11" happens because my IC7300 can not answer to "v" question (get_vfo)

Copy your result to next message to see how your rig answers. "fmv" stands for: get frequency, get mode, get vfo.
In my case frequency is 7059450, mode is LSB 3000 (3000 is filter width), vfo= rig can not answer

I guess there is something "additional" after frequency in answer.


Hi, Saku

Hi, Saku

Thanks for the reply.

Here's what I get:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

So it's returning "Main" for the VFO setting in addition to the other things.

My "workaround" has been to UNCHECK the "Auto" box above "Mode", and manually set it to SSB. Then I did a batch edit in the saved QSO's to change "Main" to "SSB", so I could sign and submit the the file to Log of The World.

2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

HI Jim!

If you can compile from source you could try my fix from https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/hamlib_vfo
It is still in test phase but seems to hande Main/Sub at least tests with Hamlib dummy rig.

You can get info how to compile from these messages:
Raspberry PI 4 and cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3124
New Ubuntu and latest cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2984
Mint 20 Cinnamon and new cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2998

Note that you have to clone my git repository instead of the official in those messages:
git clone https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog.git
and change to branch hamlib_vfo before issuing "make":
git checkout hamlib_vfo


2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

Hi Jim!

Thanks for info.
I am just working with fix to "--vfo" issue of hamlib and I will add this to it.
Reason is that some rigs, noticed that with #1 Hamlib dummy", report vfo as "main" and "Sub" instead of VFOA and VFOB as most of rigs do.
Cqrlog does not expect that kind of answer and fails because of that.

I think I have to make conversion from "Main" to VFOA and "Sub" to VFOB to get rid of this although I know that "Main" means receiver #1 that can have VFOA and VFOB as well as "Sub" receiver #2 can have them too.
It is how ever easiest way to get forward with this.


Thank you again, Saku!

Thank you again, Saku!

I'll download and compile the code you listed. I've built-from-source before, so it should go easily.

73, Jim

2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

HI Jim!

That one also tries to find if rigctld is started with "--vfo" parameter and then changes rig commands by that info.
(Issue: https://github.com/ok2cqr/cqrlog/issues/438)
New checkbox in preferences/TRXControl "Use \chkvfo" can be used to turn this new feature off in case it is not working.

You comments, please!
I like to have some feedback before I do pull request to official version.


OK, I learned a lot about

OK, I learned a lot about "git" today, and now have the Lazarus SDK installed from the repositories.
Did "make", then "make install", then started CQRlog, checked the "Auto" box for "Mode", and all appears to work OK. The "Mode" tracks when I change it, so it looks like your patch works A-OK!

I haven't logged any QSO's with it, but since you didn't change anything there, it should work fine.

Thanks again, and if I have any other issues I'll let you know.

vy 73, Jim KQ0EA

And as an aside, FLDIGI,

And as an aside, FLDIGI, QSSTV, and WSJTX all work as before.



Well, I just tried saving a qso with a local, and it gives me an error that "You must enter correct frequency", even though the frequency is displayed in the window.

Let me check the settings again.....

2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

Check that you have set prferences/bands/frequencies right band start and end frequencies for Region 2.
Cqrlog defaults to Region 1 and there are some bands that need attention in Region 2

Could you change to your cloned directory, issue "git pull" and then "make" and "make install" again with branch "hamlib_vfo", please?

I have rewritten quite a lot of rigctld communication and would like to know if it still works for you.
You should not see any differences, just check that it works.


Frequency errors

That fixed the frequency errors I was getting.

I'll recompile the updated branch after (late) lunch.



I didn't have to git pull hamblib_vfo because it said I was already using it.

Recompiled it, and it appears to work fine. And it kept the frequencies I entered when I had the frequency error, so that's good!


2.5.2 Displays Mode as "MAIN", Not "SSB" with Yaesu FTdx-101MP

Hi Jim!

[saku@hamtpad cqrlog]$ git pull
Already up to date.

That is the result if you already have latest version. Otherwise you will see more text displaying changed files.
There is no need to recompile if git repository is "Already up to date".


Git Pull

My previous post was in error. I did a "get pull" *FIRST*, and saw it had updated 8 (?) files. Then when I did the "git checkout hamlib_vfo" it said I was already using that branch. Make and make install went perfectly, as before.

Sorry for any confusion!