Every time I close the cqrlog the error message pops up: 'Operation cannot be performed on an inactive dataset'. I have two options to chose: "Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.' or 'Press Cancel to kill the program.' . The only way to close program is kill it. Next time, I use cqrlog every thing works fine. I suppose something like deadlock in my database because program crashed a few times before. Every advice how to check database consistency will be welcomed.
Regards 73
Hello Darek,
it will depend on you configuration. Could you export your configuration and send me it? You can find this function in Database connection window where you can create new log, select and open log etc. under Utils button. It is Utils -> Configuration -> Export. Thank you!
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Hello Peter,
I sent you my ini file on your email yesterday. Have you found anything interesting?
73 Darek, SP2MKI