TRX control user defined TRX control buttons

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TRX control user defined TRX control buttons

Hi Everyone,
My rig model is 2041 - Kenwood TS890-S. I defined a TRX control button with the command below:
"V VFOB F 29520000 M FM 0 V VFOA F 29620000 M FM 0 S 1 VFOB C 1462"
It al works out except for the last command "C 1462" which is the command to set the CTCSS. It just won't set the radio to this tone. Anybody have experience with this?

73's and thanks


TRX control user defined

HI Jorgen!

Have you tested it with telnet?
If you have "standard" host localhost and port 4532 defined in Cqrlog then, when Cqrlog is running, try to telnet
telnet localhost 4532

Try first only command
C 1462

Then, if it works add the rest of commands, one by one, and see when it stops to work.
Once found a working string move that to use button.

If it works with telnet it should work also from user command. Using telnet you can quickly see the reporting for each command.
Should be RPTR0 to be valid.

Here are rigctld error code numbers (other than zero) from Cqrlog uRigControl.pas
if DebugMode then
case b[1] of
'-1': Writeln('Invalid parameter');
'-2': Writeln('Invalid configuration (serial,..)');
'-3': Writeln('Memory shortage');
'-4': Writeln('Function not implemented, but will be');
'-5': Writeln('Communication timed out');
'-6': Writeln('IO error, including open failed');
'-7': Writeln('Internal Hamlib error, huh!');
'-8': Writeln('Protocol error');
'-9': Writeln('Command rejected by the rig');
'-10': Writeln('Command performed, but arg truncated');
'-11': Writeln('Function not available');
'-12': Writeln('VFO not targetable');
'-13': Writeln('Error talking on the bus');
'-14': Writeln('Collision on the bus');
'-15': Writeln('NULL RIG handle or any invalid pointer parameter in get arg');
'-16': Writeln('Invalid VFO');
'-17': Writeln('Argument out of domain of func');


Hi Saku,

Hi Saku,

Thank you for your explanation.
Seems like that the "C 1462" feature is not available. I received an error -11 ('-11': Writeln('Function not available');)
I guess that is it. Thank you again :-)

TS-890S C command

I just added this to Hamlib - should be working in Hamlib 4.6.