Is anyone else having an issue with the propagation window not displaying again, or is it just me? I know there was an issue with it about a year ago and updating to 2.6.0 fixed the problem, but right now nothing has been displaying in my propagation window for the last few days.
Same here.
But copying the URL from the Settings to a Browser Window did work. Must be a Problem with CQRLog
also here on my side, the same problem for about two days !..
73 F5JQF / Yves
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
From file ~/.config/cqrlog/solar.xml you can see:
<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>
<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>
<p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p>
So the reason is that the "http" has turned to "https". Browser can fix this automated, Cqrlog can't.
Addresses are hard coded in source file fPropagation.pas
Unfortunately this fix needs adding one byte , the "s", and now it is not possible to do this fix by edition the /usr/bin/cqrlog file by hex editor as with the previous problem.
Only way is to fix the source code and then recompile.
I edited fPropagation.pas and started to compile. make gives me this Error:
dDXCluster.pas(1238) Fatal: (10026) There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
Error: (lazarus) Projekt kompilieren, Ziel: cqrlog: stopped with exit code 1
Error: (lazbuild) failed compiling of project /home/meier/git/cqrlog-loc_testing/src/cqrlog.lpi
make: *** [Makefile:9: cqrlog] Fehler 2
No such Error with previous Versions.
I tried with a previous Version I could compile without error but no success.
I changed in fPropagation.pas
"" and "" to https, but that did not work.
There was a brief flash of the Data in Text Form but no Graphics.
Okay, got it back without Source changes.
In the Preferences, I used "Show Propagation as Image" with this Date Source:
I simple changed http to https and I got the Propagation Data Back as Graphic Image.
Danke, Heinz-Juergen! That worked perfectly, and I'm a bit embarrassed I did not think to try that before looking into code!
I compiled the last source file 2.6.0 (115) provided and corrected by Saku oh1kh ... everything is ok! .. Again a big thank you for the speed of intervention.
Best 73 F5JQF / Yves
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
I made quick fix to (115) source yesterday.
I think I will move those hard coded addresses to preferences/propagation before releasing (115) ready compiled versions.
If I try to compile this Build with make, I got this Error with dDXCluster.pas:
dDXCluster.pas(1238) Fatal: (10026) There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
Error: (lazarus) Projekt kompilieren, Ziel: cqrlog: stopped with exit code 1
Error: (lazbuild) failed compiling of project /home/meier/git/cqrlog-loc_testing/src/cqrlog.lpi
make: *** [Makefile:9: cqrlog] Fehler 2
Output from make attached
In some cases it has shown that make script does not work.
Then you should start lazarus-ide, either from startup menu or from command terminal by typing "lazarus-ide"
If you start it first time it shows some settings in several tabs. All those should view OK. Otherwise you should check what is wrong (usually path is wrong, if any).
After passed this you should see the ide with empty project opened.
From top menu select Project/Close project. After closed you see small window with buttons. Select "open project"
Then navigate to your Cqrlog source folder "src". You should see there "cqrlog.lpi" Select that and press "Open".
After that select from top menu View/messages.
After that select Run/compile
Messages window should show the progress of compile and when ended to green line "Success" you will find compiled Cqrlog as file "cqrlog" in "src" folder.
That file should replace your current /usr/bin/cqrlog file. Copy it over that file (you need sudo for /usr/bin folder copy).
That's all.
These cases where make has failed this compile via IDE has worked always so far .
If you want QT5 version and "make cqrlog_qt5" fails you can do it also via IDE:
Select Project/Project options/Additions and overrides/Set LCL widget type/Value QT5
If GTK2 stays checked, uncheck it.
Then do compile in same way.
For QT5 version you need to install two packages to compile and run:
libqt5pas and libqt5pas-devel (Ubuntu naming: libqt5pas1 and libqt5pas1-devel)
Followed your Instructions but I got these Errors in the Message Window:
dDXCluster.pas(142,57) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 5: Got "LongInt", expected "TStringReplaceAlgorithm"
dDXCluster.pas(144,9) Warning: Local variable "i" does not seem to be initialized
Checked that part and if I am on right line it is:
Spot:=StringReplace(Spot,' ',' ',[rfReplaceAll],i);
Am I right?
By 2x clicking the error line in "messages" cursor should jump to source line that caused this error message.
Your error points to that line (142) column 57 that is the "i" integer variable.
It is introduced earlier, but not initialized.
There is no need to initialize as SringReplace returns replaced string count with it. That is repeated until return count is 0 (zero).
function StringReplace(
const S: string;
const OldPattern: string;
const NewPattern: string;
Flags: TReplaceFlags;
out aCount: Integer
I can not see any error there and it compiles fine here. It even does not say "i" is not initialized.
Are you sure that line has all spaces and commas there.
Yes, it jumps to this Line:
Spot:=StringReplace(Spot,' ',' ',[rfReplaceAll],i);
I did not change anything in the Files. I can compile the Master Branch, but loc_testing fails.
I downloaded the Zip Files.
There must be a Error in the Zip File. Used git clone to clone the Repository and I was able to compile the Branch.
Arghh, to early. I cloned the Master and not the loc_testing Branch. It's not the Zip.
Same Error with the cloned loc_testing Branch. Maybe something in my Environment.
OS is Linux Mint 20.3.
Lazarus Version 2.0.6+dfsg3, FPC Version 3.0.4
Okay, did some tests.
Mint 21 - Compile okay but cqrlog is not usable with Mint 20 because of older glibc in use.
A fresh Mint 20.3 Installation in a VM with only the needed Build Dependencies - Compile Fails with the known Error.
Looks like it's no longer possible to compile newer Builds with older glibc below 2.35