G-QRP-CLUB members list loading problem

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G-QRP-CLUB members list loading problem

Under preferences>membership, trying to load G-QRP-CLUB data will fail, the loader says it cannot find
the file 'g-qrp-club.text'. The actual file to look for is ~/cqrlog/members/gqrpc.txt, so a plain symbolic link will do for a temporary fix. In a terminal, cd into /members folder and do

user@user-desktop ~ $ln -s gqrpc.txt g-qrpc-club.txt

and the loader will comply next time you run the procedure.

72, Ted LA3BX

Power to the QRP!

ok2cqr's picture
RE: G-QRP-CLUB members list loading problem

Hi Ted,

thank you for bug report. The file name should be g-qrp-club.txt and not gqrpc.txt. We'll fix it. How to create these files is described in help.

Thank you.

73 Petr, OK2CQR