I saw this error when I tried to export csv for printing.
TMySQL57Connention : Errpr executing query: Incorrect string value: '\xD0' for column `cqrlog001`.`qslexport`.`qth` at row 1.
What should I do in ver 129 (2024-07-30) ?
I saw this error when I tried to export csv for printing.
TMySQL57Connention : Errpr executing query: Incorrect string value: '\xD0' for column `cqrlog001`.`qslexport`.`qth` at row 1.
What should I do in ver 129 (2024-07-30) ?
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I found a few Chinese QTHs and a few Japanese QTHs including their Names.
Before this, I exported the QSOs of JA only, no problems occurred.
Character code of the database table may have the problem, I suppose, but I do not know how to reset.
I found a few Chinese QTHs and a few Japanese QTHs including their Names.
Before this, I exported the QSOs of JA only, no problems occurred.
Character code of the database table may have the problem, I suppose, but I do not know how to reset.
Can you export same qsos as ADIF?
If you can then try to import them to new empty log and try qsl csv export there.
If the problem really is UTF8 chracter in QTH name it should clean up in ADIF export/import.
Of course if you can pinpoint the problem qso you can clean up the qth name with qso edit.
I just tried to QSL csv export from all my Chinese qsos. No problem, but just few qsos having Chinese chars in QTH field.
Kiitoksia paljon, Saku.
I met this error at the first time.
At log002, I imported without setting exported ini and failed. At log003, I converted exported adif from ISO8859-1 to utf8 and with exported ini, then the exporting csv is well done.
But should I do this operating every exporting csv ?
I've now guessed the cause of the error.
It seems that the standard Japanese font has been disabled. I can display Japanese using other fonts, so it's not a problem.
If LibreOffice could remember the font when it was saved, I wouldn't have to do anything extra...