LoTW File Signing freezing

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LoTW File Signing freezing

I think I have an installation issue but I cannot resolve it. When I try to upload QSO's to LoTW, the selecting works fine, and the file is created, but then It gives the message "Signing adif file..." and freezes at that point. If I open TQSL and ask it to sign and upload the file that CQRLOG created it uploads fine. Any ides what the issue is?

Thanks and 73,
Mike, AE8U

LoTW File Signing freezing

Hi MIke!
Have you scrolled the window?
In some versions the last lines are hidden below the bottom part but there is a slider to dig them up.

If that was not the reason try to open Cqrlog from console in debug mode.
To minimize lines open just those windows I.E Qsolist , NewQSO that you need fro export. Set your rig polling to 5000 - 10000 to drop down lines from rig actions.
Open command console and give:
cqrlog --debug=1
If you want to look lines with text editor direct lines to file like:
cqrlog --debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt

Do the LoTW export and see are there any errors at point "Signing adif file..." appears.




Thanks for your suggestions. I did check scrolling but the entire window is showing and nothing else was revealed.

I then tried your suggestion for debug. Here are the results:

elect * from cqrlog_main

select * from cqrlog_main

AProcess.Executable: /usr/bin/tqsl Parameters: -d
AE8U - Romohr

select * from cqrlog_main

select * from cqrlog_main

AProcess.Executable: /usr/bin/tqsl Parameters: -d
AE8U - Romohr

This is where it freezes and there is no indication of any error. At this point the Export top LoTW window is frozen and all boxes at the bottom are grayed out. The only way to do anything else is to open the System Monitor and terminate the sql that is running. Once I do that, all choices are available and a list of already loaded QSO's appears. I can choose to upload at this point. Any other ideas?

Thanks and 73,
Mike, AE8U

Mike, AE8U



Have you checked the /home/ae8u/.config/cqrlog/lotw/2024-08-15_15-57-59.adi file to have contents ?
Have you changed your qth name?

Is the QTH quoted like I have "Pori" here.
It looks dangerous as you have the dash there between words. Tqsl could easily understand " - Romohr" as command line option.

KIlling sql does not sound a good idea.
SQL has nothing to do if the file /home/ae8u/.config/cqrlog/lotw/2024-08-15_15-57-59.adi is already created and has contents.

At this phase tqsl should read adi file and produce signed file with same name prefix, but with .tq8 suffix.
Can you find /home/ae8u/.config/cqrlog/lotw/2024-08-15_15-57-59.tq8 file from /home/ae8u/.config/cqrlog/lotw folder?


