Voice Keyer - Elecraft K4

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Voice Keyer - Elecraft K4

I am trying to get CQRLog to key my Elecraft K4 radio's built-in voice memories via the use of keyboard Fx (Function keys) just like on CW.

When I am using Windoze 10 and N1MM logger for contests, there is a VERY simple command that can be easily modified in a text editor to execute a radio command via CAT control. The command to use in the N1MM program is: {CAT1ASC PB1;} This command tells the radio to use CAT and send radio memory push button #1, in which I have recorded my CQ message. The radio can store up to 8 different voice messages PB1 - PB8.

I looked at this old thread (https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2326) related to an Icom radio, but it seems quite complex and involved and WAY more effort than I want to try and get into. There HAS to be a simpler way to make this happen. Any thoughts?

Bob, WG9L

Linux Mint 20.3
CQRLog Ver 2.6.0 (001) Gtk2

Voice Keyer - Elecraft K4

Bob, you need to update.

Update your Hamlib to latest one by doing compile from GitHub source.
Update Cqrlog to Alpha (124) or (125) if you like to compile it by yourself.
With those updates you can send voice messages by F-buttons when mode is ssb, am, fm. Either with old external voice script that plays voice file to rig's audio, or use rigctld command to launch rig's internal voice memories. Selecton "Send rig voice" is in preferences/trxcontrol.


Hi, Saku.

Hi, Saku.

Related to (https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3825)

Thanks for your information. What is the easiest way to upgrade my version of Hamlib? It looks like the most recent, stable release is, Hamlib 4.5.4 I'm still a noob and am unsure of the best way to get this utility downloaded and installed. Any help would be appreciated.

Bob, WG9L

Voice Keyer - Elecraft K4

I decided to wipe my old Linux Mint version 21 and do a fresh install of Mint 22. Then I installed Mariadb and CQRLog Alpha 130 and upgraded my version of HAMLIB to 4.5.5. Everything works perfectly, except for voice keying the radio. The CQRLog help information for using a radio that has an internal voice keyer contains no information. I have tried every option I can think of in order to get the logging program to execute a command to send the voice keyer internal messages in my radio.

TRX control setting of "Send rig voice" is checked.

I MUST be missing something. Can you assist?

Bob, WG9L

Voice Keyer - Elecraft K4


I have fixed help files, but that appears only at source until 131 of CqrlogAlpha is released.

Everything is based on Hamlib's rigctld commands. If they do not work Cqrlog does not work.
While Cqrlog is is running and your rig is connected (I.E: Cqrlog shows right frequency) open command terminal and start telnet with command:

telnet localhost 4532

Then type line (ended with return key):


You get many lines. Try to find line:

Can send Voice: Y

If there is "Y" rigctld shoud be able to launch voice messages. In case of "N" it is not possible with your rig model.(In that case it might work with latest Hamlib, if the current one you are using is very old. You have to update then)

If the answer is "Y" then try to launch voice message manually from telnet connection with command:

+\send_voice_mem 1

Be sure that before you press return key an the end of command line your rig is in phone mode and that internal message #1 has some contents to send.
if internal message is sent OK it should look like:

[saku@hamtpad ~]$ telnet localhost 4532
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+\send_voice_mem 1
send_voice_mem: currVFO:1

If your rig is in wrong mode the "RPRT" will show "-9" instead of "0". Same if the contents of internal message is empty (at least with Icom 7300)

If you succeed to launch message with telnet connection Cqrlog should also succeed with it if "Send rig voice" is checked and your rig is in phone mode (by Cqrlog)
If you can't do it with telnet you maybe need to upgrade Hamlib.

See https://github.com/Hamlib/Hamlib
There are good instructions in file "INSTALL"
You get the source code to your computer by pressing green "code" button and selection "Download zip"
