Just a hint for using alternative HamLib (FAQ)

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Just a hint for using alternative HamLib (FAQ)

Hi, All
Rencently, I made a new HamLib - ver4.6 - taken from github onto my Raspberry pi 4B.
Unfortunately it didn't run w/ CQRLOG smoothly but fix to run w/ the procedure below:

1. Close current running CQRLOG

2. Edit CQLOG desktop icon property file (put "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/install-your-hamlib-libs" into "Exec" line)
# vi /usr/share/applications/cqrlog.desktop
Exec=env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib cqrlog

3.Re-Run CQRLOG (ie. run CQRLOG via icon)

** smoothly means CQRLOG can find New HamLib in /usr/local/lib, but
cant find appropriate libs/bins for New HamLog, thus NULL (rig cant select) in prefernce->TRX.

== Background
I installed New HamLog bin/lib into /usr/local/lib, but .profile/.bashrc doesn't include
LD_LIBRARY_PATH for loading needed-libaries, thus CQRLOG can't find dependency.
I don't want to break lib-dependency at this moment, so included LD_LIBRARY_PATH
into .desktop env.

Regards, JQ1UCG

Just a hint for using alternative HamLib (FAQ)


You should remove the old Hamlib that is there from package install. Depending on Linux this can be done in different ways.
With fedora:
sudo rpm -e --nodeps hamlib

The "key" for removing is "--nodeps". Using that the system does not care dependencies. Without it it says you must remove also Cqrlog (and perhaps other Ham related programs).

Other way is to ./configure Hamlib using PREFIX=/usr
That way it compiles and installs Hamlib over the existing package installed Hamlib (that usually has /usr prefix, I.E. you find rigctld from /usr/bin)
When doing that it is still good to check /lib64 so that there is only one libhamlib. Not the old one and new one from compile.

Doing it any ways you must remember that when you do Linux update (automated or manual) it can roll over your compiled Hamlib if there is update to one or more Ham programs that have Hamlib as dependency.
If that happens you just have to recompile and install your Hamlib from source again.


Hi Saku!

Hi Saku!
Thank you for your reply with kindness, the right way to use the new rev. of library !
The way just I did was to prepare for backing out to the old one avoiding the new one wont work :)

Anyway, Thank you let us know how to use the new HamLib libraries w/ proper way !

PS: May I ask the way how to change the Multi-ply count logic in Contest window !? in another thread? :)
Contest number logic in the JA domestic contest wont thru into current CQRLOG's count logic....

Just a hint for using alternative HamLib


Only way for Multiply count change is to program a new module for your contest.

If you look source (now CqrlogAlpha (132)) file src/fContest.pas you see at line 1730 the begin of modules.
First one is MCW contest, then NAC, SralFt8 and finally Common that is used if first ones do not match.

The definition what calculation module is used rely on contest name (a part of it).
Module select is done from line 754 onward . That is the procedure where program jumps when contest name has been given.

So writing a new calculation module (procedure) before Common module and placing the selection of that module from line 860 onward should do the trick.

You can use existing modules MCW, NAC, SralFt8 or Common as a template for new calculation model.
