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The topic has been discussed. After a few QSOs added to CQRlog, I end up with this message:

TMySQL57Connection : Error executing query: Server has gone away.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Abort to kill the program.

Linux Mint 2.13 up to date Cinnamon 6.0.4
CQRlog Alpha 132 GtK2
Server version: 10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Ubuntu 22.04
The problem is random. Am I the only one in this case? Do you have a solution. I did some research on the internet but the problem persists.

Ps: by re-installing the Alpha 119 version .... everything is ok.

73 Yves F5JQF


Hi Yves!

Yes, this has been discussed a long time ago.
Problem usually happens if Cqrlog stays running idle for long time. Whole day, or over the night.
But as you say it is very random.

Normally restarting Cqrlog removes this problem.

We did many tests in past to resolve this problem, but without luck. Reason is the MariaDB connection (there are several of them open while running) that closes for timeout because of no traffic for long time.


Hi Saku,

Hi Saku,
First of all thanks for answering. I appreciate your work and I try every time your updates of CQRlog Alpha xxx. I also followed your exchanges on the forum about this problem which is very random.
I downgraded my version of CQRlog by copying the binary 119 instead of 132. In the same operating configuration of CQRlog (DXcluster, RBN, Map, BandMap and remote in service with Wsjt-z and all in automatic) everything works very well.
Maybe a difference in the source code between 119 and the following versions?.
In the meantime thank you for what you do.

73, Yves F5JQF

Yves, F5JQF
CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx) / Hamlib 4.5.5 / Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon