I am new to CQRLOG and using alpha version 134 GTK2 on Linux Mint 22. I notice the statistics at the bottom of the logging panel do not update to reflect the current QSL status. For example, I worked a VE3 station on 80m, many VE stations on 80m actually. My VE statistics on QSO entry page shows SSB, CW and DIGI all as QSL x on 3.5 even though I have LOTW confirmations and the QSO list shows this confirmation and the DXCC statistics report also shows all these as L, confirmed.
Is there something I need to do to get the statistics at the bottom of the QSO entry page to update to show current QSL status?
Thanks and 73,
HI Tim!
There should not be any special things to do for NewQSO/DXCCStatistics. I just tested with small test log ( 4000 qsos) and VE.
At the time you write "VE" to NewQSO/Call DXCCStatistics should be filled. When you continue with number and suffix and move out from call column the callsign statistics shuold be filled.
If you then make QSOlist/Filter to show only Canada and enable "qslr" column view you can compare "qslr" and DXCCStatistic. For me, with test log, I was able to find all corresponding QSO/DXCCStatistics showing right values (Q,L,E,X) with 59 VE qsos.
Only thing that comes in to my mind is "preferences/bands/frequencies" . Have you checked them?
By default they are as Region1 settings. Your 80m band is larger and qsos over Region1 border may "drop" off.
As you are running CqrlogAlpha (134) there is a new way to define band/mode limits. By default it uses old system that can be a bit complicated to understand.
By either way the most important is to fill right band begin and band end frequencies.
if you check "Use new mode/frequencies definition table" you get new gird to fill in band and mode limits. If using new way first enter begin and end. Then use whole band are divided for CW and SSB.
After that you can add frequency "islands" defined for DIGI, AM and FM they will override CW or SSB.
If you do not need certain mode in band set it's begin and end to 0 (zero).
Here is the cheking oder of modes in new system:

Hi Saku,
These are primarily FT8 QSOs logged in CQRlog by WSJT-x. So, frequency is around 3.573MHz on 80m which should not be a region issue. I did check the old frequency table and make some corrections to extend the band limits for USA. Here is a screenshot showing VE3ETE as being confirmed by LOTW (upper right corner) and the DXCC table at the bottom showing he is not confirmed. The red text clearly thinks QSL is needed. Table at the bottom shows X. Any other thoughts?
I also included a snip from my DXCC statistics for VE. DXCC Statistics seem correct but do not agree with the summary in the call entry page.
Hi Tim
What the callsign statistic tab shows?
If you press Ctrl-F while in Qso list window and enter callsign there
when preferences /visible columns / qslr (combined qsl lotw eqsl) is set what does it show?
Hi Saku,
I did the following:
Preferences, visible columns, Check mark for Received QSL, LOTW,eQSL (all values in one column)
In QSO list, Ctrl-F, callsign VE3ETE, search.
qslr (all in one column) has L in that column. QSO entry window still shows x for both VE statistic and VE3ETE callsign statistic (both shows x).
Let's try following:
Make full adif export of your whole log.
Then create a new log. Do not copy settings from your old log.
Open new log and set just your station details.
Then open qso list and do adif import.
After that try to enter the callsign again to NewQso/call.
Is the result still same?
Yes, the result is the same. Still showing x both country and callsign
In that case can you zip your adif and send it to me for testing?
If it happened also with new log it should be possible to make it happen also here and find the root reason.
Thanks for sending your log.
There was one setting I forgot:
Both shown in picture are default NOT checked. That affrects to NewQSO/Statistic view.
Fantastic Saku! Thank you so much for the help. I made the change this morning and it works perfectly!
Thank you!