TRX Mode Data From Yaesu FTdx3000

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TRX Mode Data From Yaesu FTdx3000


I am running Cqrlog Ver:2.5.2 (001) Date:2021-02-12 and Hamlib 4.5.4 Jan 10 01:31:41Z 2023 with a Yaesu FTdx3000. CQRLog rig preferences are set to rig 1037 for the 3000. Communication is established as I get radio frequency populated in the new QSO window. The problem is the mode does not populate correctly when Auto is checked. Debugging indicates the CQRLog is requesting "fmv" for frequency, mode and VFO. The radio returns this alternating:

Sending: fmv

Msg from rig: 14270000
Msg from rig: USB
Msg from rig: Main
Sending: fmv

Msg from rig: 14270000

So, the rig returns the correct frequency, mode, bandwidth and uses "Main" for VFO. The radio returns "Sub" if VFO B is selected. This places "Main" in CQRLog's Mode field. Just in case it would help, going into Preferences, Modes and changing all Bandwidth fields to 0 does not change anything. I seem to get correct mode if I select the FT-950 as that rig returns "VFOA" or "VFOB" instead of Main or Sub. I am just re-starting back into Ham radio, so I don't know yet if I would get incorrect data with a more involved QSO (split, etc).

Also, is there any way for a user of CQRLog to modify the logging program? It would be nice if power out could be read from the rig, too. Sending "l RFPOWER" returns the power out in decimal value: (f.e. 50 watts returns 0.500000).


Paul, N9GXA

HI Paul!

HI Paul!

That is not implemented in 2.5.2(001) but CqrlogAlpha has that property:

You can change the source with Lazarus-IDE but it might be that you need more changes than what is in picture because uRigcontrol.pas is mostly rewritten in CqrlogAlpha compared to 2.5.2.

RFPOWER is not implemented yet even in Alpha. It seems that my IC7300 returns always 0 (zero) even when transmit in full power , less power or receiving.
This one needs more carefull look.



TRX Mode Data From Yaesu FTdx3000

Hi Paul!

Tested a bit more about the l RFPOWER.
First test failed as I used wrong letter i with more careful look it is l (lowcase L). Then IC7300 started to give readings.

Value returned is decimal between 0 - 1. You can not use it directly as power.
You must feed it to next command:

power2mW X Frequency Mode

where X is the decimal from "l RFPOWER" command.

After that you get power in mW because the mode and frequency affects to it.
There are predefined power values that you can see if you give:

Command power2mW makes it easy to covert the multiplier 0 - 1 to real power using power information from dump_caps.

There are few things that make it hard to implement:
1) the answer format to +l (+\get_level) command differ from other commands
"+\get_freq currVFO" command returns:

get_freq: currVFO
Frequency: 10122000

Frequency is easy to pick from line where "Frequency:" exist.

But giving command "+\get_level currVFO RFPOWER" returns
get_level: currVFO:RFPOWER
where value is in it's own line needing different catch than other responses.
No problem, but needs its own code.

But then it is not enough.

2)That value must be set to next command:
power2mW X frequency mode

And after that we get the final result.

As talking to rig is based to poll timer this will take longer time, few polling rows.
So the answer is not immediate and that makes requesting more difficult.

I have to think different solutions....


Hi Saku,

Hi Saku,

Thank you for the all the information. Just confirmation how that works takes care of it. I now have the source code and am checking it out. Very nice of you to show me your code.

It looks like implementing the power is way too much. It is not something that is necessary. I did not realize what I was asking.

Thank you for CQRLog as is. I appreciate it!!


TRX Mode Data From Yaesu FTdx3000

Hi Paul!

I think the rig polling routine is not very clever.
It should be rewritten so that polling routine handles only frequency (vfo) and mode. And that is all.

Then there should be another connect to rigctld to handle all "direct" commands like change mode, change band send cw via hamlib set split etc.
That connection should not be tied on polling timer. All commands and responses should be handled immediately in order they appear.

That would be worth of thinking as rigctld allows several tcp connections at same time.
The best way would be to access via Hamlib library routines directly, but there should be someone who could write C/Pascal unit to access them.
I have seen few of those. One in trlinux and second in hamlib/extra/kylix It is pascal, but for Kylix that is a bit different than FreePascal/Lazarus.

My C knowledge should be a bit better for doing that.
