I have updated the SKCC members list, where can be uploaded or send for other users of CQRlog?
73 de Raz IU1HCC
Sat, 2024-10-05 07:45
Mermbership list
There are currently 0 users online.
If is ok here is the updated list
Thanks Raz!
It is ok to share it here.
Then everyone who needs it can download it, copy to ~/.config/cqrlog/memebers folder and open preferences/membership and press "load" button to get new list activated.
Hi Saku
Here is the update SKCC members list until today 11/01/2025.
I think right way is to send it to Petr as the membership update works via his server.
I have no administration access to it, so all I can do is to put it to my GitHub source of CqrlogAlpha where it is available but does not have automated update to all users.
If you have Telegram you can try to catch Petr via that way. It might be the fastest way.
ok, I have telegram, how do I find Petr?