Distinguish between LoTW- and eQSL-users in DXCluster-window

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Distinguish between LoTW- and eQSL-users in DXCluster-window

In the preferences, it is possible to select backgroundcolor for LoTW-/eQSL-users for the DX-Cluster.

Would it be possible to select seperatly colors for each ?
Right now it is not possible to "see" in the DXCluster who is LoTW-user directly,
because it could be an eQSL-user.

Maybe have different choices for the backgound color,
-LoTW only
-eQSL only
-Both LoTW and eQSL-user

73 de Børge / LA4VGA

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Distinguish between LoTW- and eQSL-users in DXCluster-window

Good idea, I was thinking about that but the same color for both LoTW and eQSL was easier :-). I'll add to my todo list.