When I enter a DX call, The top line is cut off with the remaining partial data in view. It seems as if the info was shifted "up" several lines inside the box.
could you please write here what callsign did you enter? I'd like to see that and maybe can fix it. Thank you!
73 Petr, OK2CQR
-- http://HamQTH.com/ok2cqr https://ok2cqr.com
among them is G4FMQ
please note for the most part, all the DX data was inside the box.
I will note any future ones ...
thank you Ron, wb1hga
Ron, wb1hga
hello Petr
another one: YO6OEU
thank you,
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could you please write here what callsign did you enter? I'd like to see that and maybe can fix it. Thank you!
73 Petr, OK2CQR
among them is G4FMQ
please note for the most part, all the DX data was inside the box.
I will note any future ones ...
thank you
Ron, wb1hga
Ron, wb1hga
hello Petr
another one:
thank you,
Ron, wb1hga
Ron, wb1hga