opsssssss ...hello petr by flavio, released this error in membership rebuild, and what?
: Error executing query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= c. and c.fromdate <= q.qsodate and c.todate >= q.qsodateset q.club_nr1 = c.c' at line 1
Wed, 2013-01-30 13:44
rebuild membership statistics
Hi Flavio,
I have no idea. Could you paste here the console ouput before the error, please? There is the complete SQL query that was wrong. Thank you!
73 Petr
I only have this output petrhello soon petr de flavio
update cqrlog_main q left join club3 c on q.= c. and c.fromdate <= q.qsodate and c.todate >= q.qsodateset q.club_nr3 = c.club_nrwhere qsodate >= '1945-01-01'poooolsending fmv ...
hello petr, strange but true error mentioned to me now no longer exists, perhaps mysqlgoes haywire, I restarted pc maybe now's okay :-)
hello soon and 73