Submitted by ok2cqr on
This is mainly bugfix release. LoTW server has changed the URL to upload new QSO, I've had a few other important bugs fixed so new version is here. More in download section.
Launchpad seems to be quite busy. New packages will be available in next 5 hours or so.
Back up log
Submitted by kc2cwt on
Can not get the back up log to be install in a new set up . CQRLOG 1.5.6
I go to Database connection and go to Utils -> configurtion -> inport and all it is looking for is a ini files . Can not chagewhat it is looking for
Re: Back up log
Submitted by ok2cqr on
In connection window under Utils button you can import configuration, not ADIF file.
You must open existing log (or create new one), open QSO list window (CTRL+O), choose File -> Import -> ADIF or hit CTRL+I.
73 Petr, OK2CQR