CQRLOG 1.5.6

This is mainly bugfix release. LoTW server has changed the URL to upload new QSO, I've had a few other important bugs fixed so new version is here. More in download section.
Launchpad seems to be quite busy. New packages will be available in next 5 hours or so.


Back up log

Can not get the back up log to be install in a new set up . CQRLOG 1.5.6
I go to Database connection and go to Utils -> configurtion -> inport and all it is looking for is a ini files . Can not chagewhat it is looking for

ok2cqr's picture

Re: Back up log

In connection window under Utils button you can import configuration, not ADIF file.

You must open existing log (or create new one), open QSO list window (CTRL+O), choose File -> Import -> ADIF or hit CTRL+I.

73 Petr, OK2CQR