No top menu

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No top menu

I have installed CQRLOG 1.7.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
However, I do not have the top menu on any of the screens.
By "top menu" I mean the menu that says "File..Statistics...Grayline..", etc.
Linux is not my main operating system so I would appreciate if someone can tell me how I can get the top menu to display.

ok2cqr's picture
RE: No top menu

Ubuntu with Unity doesn't show the menu on the top of the window but when you move mouse cursor to the top panel on the screen. It's a feature of Unity. It could be removed by removing some package but I don't know what package. I use Kubuntu.
Google found this:
73 Petr, OK2CQR

RE: No top menu

Hi Petr,

Thank you very much for your reply.

However, moving the mouse cursor to the top of the panel still did not display the menu.

Therefore, I followed your example and installed Kubuntu. The display is now OK.

However, when I try to upload a file to LOTW I get the following error message:

"Unable to open file "/home/gary/.config/cqrlog/lotw/2014-02-18_21-29-52.tq8".
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program."

Can you please help me fix this problem?

Thanks, Gary

ok2cqr's picture
RE: No top menu

Hi Gary,
you hadn't to install kubuntu, you could remove the Ubuntu-way menu, it would be much easier than reinstalling the system.
Do you have trustedqsl package installed? It seems QSO was not signed by tqsl utility from ARRL.
73 Petr

You could also google, how to

You could also google, how to get my menu back in Ubuntu Unity, and there will be several articals on how to do this, I simply just installed Liux Mint, Problem gone... Tom K8WDX
When you run into a problem with Linux, just google the problem, chances are that there is an answer...


Hi Tom,

Hi Tom,

The problem was not the menu in Unity. The menu in Unity would display fine in other applications. For some reason, it would not display properly with CQRLOG. I did not really care for the Unity desktop anyway, so I downloaded and installed Kubuntu instead. I am using linux only for this CQRLOG application.

Hi Petr,

Hi Petr,

I got Trustedqsl to work properly and was able to upload and download to LOTW.
Thanks for all your help and for providing a very nice logging program that runs on linux!