1. In the new qso window i'm not able to enter the frequency and mode used for the qso.
The frequency is blocked on 145.0000 and the mode is blocked on FM.
When i put the program in offline mode the frequency and mode can be changed.
2. When watching the qso list, the last qso is gone after scrolling in the list.
After closing the qso list window and re-opening it the last qso is back in the list, if not scrolling.
Anyone has a solution or answer for these problems?
73 Rudi, ON6MI
Hi Rudi,
1. In the new qso window i'm not able to enter the frequency and mode used for the qso.
The frequency is blocked on 145.0000 and the mode is blocked on FM.
When i put the program in offline mode the frequency and mode can be changed.
If you want to enter QSO which has different freq from radio freq you must switch log to offline mode. Without this, you can't change freq or mode.
2. When watching the qso list, the last qso is gone after scrolling in the list.
After closing the qso list window and re-opening it the last qso is back in the list, if not scrolling.
I know about that but it is an error in development tool, that I use for developing CQRLOG. I hope, they'll fix it soon. If you press CTRL+END, you will see last QSO.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
you wrote Rudi that the mode and frequency is taken from the rig when connected. I've just found something I believe is a bug - I agree, frequency may be unchangeable in 'online' mode, as the radio usually gives a correct frequency. But in case of digital modes, the radio gives 'SSB' to cqrlog - I can't switch it to PSK31 that is not supported by IC-746 directly, but done technically by modem generating the SSB signal, as cqrlog fixes me back to SSB in a log entry. Could you introduce an option that would allow user to change the mode manually if he thinks data provided by the rig is incorrect?
Best regards
Lukasz sq9nox