Reverse Beacon spots not showing on Grayline

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Reverse Beacon spots not showing on Grayline

I am new to CQRLog and am very impressed.  I have it running on Mint 17.1.  After a bit of playing I have most things working now.  I understand how Reverse Beacon spot should show on Grayline but so far nothing.  I use Reverse Beacon a lot so this would be great.
If I enter a callsign into the log I see a line connecting it to me on Grayline.  But no reverse beacon spots.
Any suggestions or ideas please??
Thanks Robin

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Reverse Beacon spots not showing on Grayline

Hi Robin,
are you connected to the RBN? On the bottom of the Grayline window should be "Connected".
73 Petr, OK2CQR

RBN on Grayline

Yes, it says connected and I have checked the setup and that there are spots for my callsign on the RBN.  Thanks for any thoughts  Robin

ok2cqr's picture
Re: RBN on Grayline

Open the console and run cqrlog with ---debug=1 parameter. You should see if CQRLOG gets any data from RBN or not.

RBN on Grayline

Yes, I see a stream of spots coming in and these include my own callsign.  That sounds positive then???
I then checked and now I can see dots on Grayline.  How strange.  I could start CQRLog in debug mode each time!
Really like your software and am very impressed with your help.  Thank you.
Robin G4GIY

ok2cqr's picture
Re: RBN on Grayline

You are welcome, Robin!
It should work even without debug mode. I use it every day and call CQ very often. The dots in Grayline are very useful.

Working now

Hi Petr,
Running CQRLog from the usual graphics interface and the dots are now appearing.  How strange but great! I often call CQ (I am a QRP operator) and use the RBN beacon to assess conditions even if I get no replies and seeing the dots on Grayline is amazing!  No idea why it has started working but thanks.