DX-Cluster aditions

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PA1SBM's picture
DX-Cluster aditions

Hi Petr,

Would it be posible to add a dropdown box with user definable filters in the dx-cluster window?
I often only wanna see spots of the band i work on at that moment, and a drop down box would be a convenient solution.
Would also be nice if the mode is selectable as maybe the CW people want to see just CW.

Also, could you make a check box to stop the DX-cluster from scrolling back down to the new spots?
When there are a lot of spots, it is hard to scroll back without being bumped to the newest spots again.



The scrolling issue is

The scrolling issue is especially annoying during a contest when spots are flying by pretty quickly. This is true also when the band map is full. You can't scroll up the band map without it jumping back to the bottom after a couple of seconds.

ok2cqr's picture
Re: The scrolling issue is

When the bandmap window has a focus, it should not add new spots and you can scroll up. I'll add it also to dx cluster window.
73 Petr

startup command

Another Wish:
can you make something like 'commands at startup'? After connecting to telnet I always type something like
or so. Would be nice if you can add a line in settings where we can type our statrup commands as it exists in wintest-cluster, for example
Andre, DL4UNY

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