How to include only LoTW confirmed in DXCC statistics

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How to include only LoTW confirmed in DXCC statistics

I see that LoTW and eQSL confirmed QSOs can be included in the DXCC stats and new country info.

I upload to LoTW and eQSL, but only want LoTW confirmed QSOs to be counted.

How can I do this?

ok2cqr's picture
Re: How to include only LoTW confirmed in DXCC statistics

It's not possible, yet. The DXCC statistic has this filter implemented but dxcc information in New QSO window doesn't. I've seen this feature request for the first time :).


Sorry Petr, missed your answer!

Reason for my question was that I only use LoTW for my own confirmations, and use eQSL only for other people's convenience.
I deleted the eQSL confirmations in my log and do not download confirmations from eQSL any more. Problem solved ;-)

73, Wolf