List DXCC entities not worked yet

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List DXCC entities not worked yet

I've been using CQRLOG for a while now but have one thing that I can't figure out. When I was using DX4Win on windoze, I could list all the DXCC entities that I HAVE and also HAVE NOT yet worked. I only need a few more countries confirmed to be on Top of the Honor Roll (#1 Honor Roll) for DXCC credit.

It was just a menu pick in DX4Win to list the countries not worked yet. In CQRLOG, I can list all the countries I have worked and also confirmed, but not the ones I haven't got yet. Is there a way to list these either active or deleted countries?


Bob, WG9L

ok2cqr's picture
Re: List DXCC entities not worked yet

Hi Bob,

CQRLOG now shows only worked/confirmed countries. If you want to see only the list of all countries it's in New QSO window and click to the button next to DXCC ref. field.

73 Petr, OK2CQR