Frequency transfer into QSO log from IC7300?

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Frequency transfer into QSO log from IC7300?

I recently got a IC7300 and I'm trying to transfer the actual frequency into a QSO log. The 7300 serial port is recognized as /dev/ic7300 (via udev), the Preferences->TRX Control is setup like this:

Rig model: any newer ICOM radios, I tried several
Device : /dev/ic7300
Poll rate: 500
Port 4532
start rigctld at startup

anything else: default

Nothing happens. The debug output in terminal looks like this:

Sending: fmv
Sending: fmv
Sending: fmv
Msg from rig: RPRT -13
Msg from rig: RPRT -11
Sending: fmv
Msg from rig: RPRT -13
Sending: fmv

[lots more of the same]

Do I have to do any setup at the IC7300?


Martin DB2MJ

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Frequency transfer into QSO log from IC7300?

Hi Martin,

try to increase the Poll rate to 1500 or something like that. It may help.

73 Petr


To my knowledge, the last release of Hamlibs 3.0.1 (2016-07-01) didn't support the IC-7300 yet - I've been waiting for a new release and avoiding temptation to do a local compile... (It is in their development branch, or whatever).. Have been asking a friend with an IC-7300 to be patient and assuring I would help *after* it is released...

73, dave w6tux

Hamlib v/s IC-7300

Old thread, but wanted to do a follow-up and say Hamlib 3.1 *does* support the IC-7300. I now have one also, so downloaded a copy of the tarball from sourceforge and locally compiled it under linux mint 18.1 ran rigctl -l and "bingo" - #373 is the IC-7300.

73, dave w6tux