I imported some ADIF records where the call and other info was in lower case. At import CQRLOGGER did not convert to upper and the calls were entered as lower case. I later went into these records to edit, and the conversion happened automatically, however the editing window apparently searches the log based on what the starting record was. Ie the edit window did not show earlier/later contacts with same station as it seems the search function distinguishes between upper/lower characters.
Not a big deal, just an observation.
73 de Olaf
Hi Olaf,
I'm sorry for the bug. If you have data imported, you can use this SQL statement to correct all callsigns.
Please open QSO list window, click to Filter menu and choose SQL console. Into SQL console put this command:
update cqrlog_main set call = upper(call)
and click to the green arrow. It looks like it din't anything but close SQL console and in QSO list window, click to Data menu and choose Refresh data.
Now, it should be fine.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Just fixed. It will be released with version 0.9.4.
73 Petr, OK2CQR