For the love of God - please add Cabrillo!!!

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For the love of God - please add Cabrillo!!!

Summary: Please add Cabrillo (version 3.0) export

Background: I use Gentoo Linux. Unforutunately, the Gentoo repostories only have CQRLog 2.3.0, and they entirely omit adif2cabrillo. And the alternative - compiling a 5-year-old abandon-ware from source, while bypassing my package-manager's forward-/reverse-dependencies seems like the usual "really bad idea" :-(

Situation: I entered ARRL Field Day, a week ago. CQRLog-2.3.0 works with my TS-850 through hamlib-3.3 (aka rigctld). My remote MySQL database-server works nicely. I created a new database for FD2020.

Results: First, I wondered where I should put the "Class" and "Section" - necessary parts of the exchanges. "Comment to QSO" was my choice. At least the data was captured.

1ST QUESTION: how can I include the Class + Section in the ADIF output??? Does Google correctly tell me that version 2.4.0 includes the ability to specify which fields are included in the ADIF output? Can these fields be (re-)ordered?

So, you guess correctly at this moment, that I have no Class/Section outputted. I found that exporting to .html would allow me to inclued the "Comment to QSO" field, so I exported that too. But unfortunately, the field ordering and formatting was not compatible with web2cabrillo tools I could find... :-( And to perform this manual-entry to the web2cabrillo tools

PLEASE ADD ABILITY TO PRINT! A selection-by-date might be nice, but please let me print someting/anything! I had to open the HTML-exported FD log into a browser then print... I could believe this!
So, yes, I spent 1/2-day tediously cut-paste-checking every single one of my FD entries/fields to the web2cabrillo tool :-O :-(

I know CQRLog can't do anything to help Gentoo's poor repositories - that lies with me to consider my options.
But CQRLog - please (as a >9yr member of your forum!) I'm really, really asking that you:

Relying on abandoned-ware and providing un-usable ADIF...???

It would also be really, really nice if claimed-scores and other helpful features were present too.

I need therapy now... :-O

-Gord VA7GP

please add Cabrillo!!!

Hi Gord!

to Background:
2.3.0 is very old. If you can compile form source the latest version(newer than the official release) is found from Petr's GitHub
If you can not compile but like to try new alpha version please check my GitHub
There is always risk with alphas, but rather minimal. The upgrading process is easy as only the cqrlog executable binary must be changed. Of course you like then change help files, too...

to Results:
Using "unused" fields for fields that do not exist is a good idea, like you did. For making things simpler you should use only one item per field. "Class" for one field "Section" for some other field.
That way it is easier to make correction to adif tags afterwards.
How ever if those values are not going to change during contest you can omit them.

If values are changing:
Use separate fields for them. Afterwards do ADIF export, ether full, or choose just those fields you need.
Then open the exported ADIF file with your favorite text editor and change tag names that do not fit.
If you used "Comment to qso" you find it from ADIF export as "<COMMENT:6>MyInfo". Then just make a group replace to text from "COMMENT" to "NEWTAG" where "newtag" is the needed adif tag name.
You must use caps, check the tag name format from and do not touch the ":Nr" part as it defines the length of your text (here in example "MyInfo")

You can also use command line tools to change those tag names "sed" is a good command for group edit of text file.
sed -i 's/COMMENT/NEWTAG/g' myexportfile.adi

Then we have ADIF file with properly named tags. Then we need adif2cabrillo converter. A good one (mentioned also in HELP section "contest" of cqrlog's help file:///usr/share/cqrlog/help/contest.html ) is made by ON4QZ

What I mentioned to omit permanent fields is based to fact that you can define them in adif2cabrillo and they do not need to be in exported ADIF at all.

Basic printing from cqrlog can be done via mysql using command console.
Open cqrlog
Open a command terminal of Linux
While cqrlog is open type command:
mysql --socket=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock -Dcqrlog003 -B -e'select * from cqrlog_main where qsodate >= "2015-03-20"'

Replace "saku" with your username and "cqrlog003" with your log number (log 1 = cqrlog001 and so on) and "2015-03-20"' date with that date(and newer) what you want to print out.
That causes dump to console screen. Add redirect to file to the end of command when you first see that get log text to console (and not only error messages). Command line is then:
mysql --socket=/home/saku/.config/cqrlog/database/sock -Dcqrlog003 -B -e'select * from cqrlog_main where qsodate >= "2015-03-20"' > /tmp/mylog.txt

Then you will find nice tab separated print from file /tmp/mylog.txt. If you want to open it direct to spreadsheet program like LibreOffice Calc change file name to "mylog.csv"

Latest source (and alpha test version binary) has cabrillo export, but I can not give more details about that as I have not tested it by my self yet.

Playing with cqrlog source and mysql databases is good therapy :-D :-D :-D


Playing with cqrlog source

Playing with cqrlog source and mysql databases is good therapy :-D :-D :-D

Hahahahaha :-) :-) :-)

Thank-you, Saku - I appreciate your comprehensive reply (and good sense of humour).

please add Cabrillo!!!




please add Cabrillo!!!

Hi Gord!


Worked some qsos in RSGB-IOTA yesteday. [ cqrlog 2.4.0 (121) ]
Picked qsos with "contest filter", did cabrillo export with defined fields, pushed exported log to RSGB web page.

No pain!


Gentoo software versions

I am using Gentoo myself and see that as of now, 2.4.0 is in Portage. If you see a new case like this where Portage is outdated, you can open a ticket on about upgrading the ebuild.