thanks for this great software and all you effort.
is there any way to set the time format to support seconds? By import and export ADIF files i usually generating some dupes by differences in time.
Thanks and best regards
thanks for this great software and all you effort.
is there any way to set the time format to support seconds? By import and export ADIF files i usually generating some dupes by differences in time.
Thanks and best regards
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I have the same problem, in the section QSO of Saturday morning, it is an overcrowding. So I need to delimit in hours, minutes, seconds in order to prioritize the caller otherwise it's a hassle.
Jean-Marie from ON5KTZ
HI Olli!
Unfortunately the database column for qso time is set as 5 characters long. That is HH:MM
| time_on | varchar(5) | NO | | NULL | |
| time_off | varchar(5) | YES | | | |
Expanding this column is rather easy, but after that all procedures handling time must also be changed. There are several places to fix.
Cqrlog is Open Source software, so anybody needing this can make needed changes.
HI Olli!
Would you like to tell more about:
"By import and export ADIF files i usually generating some dupes by differences in time."
What kind of problem that is?
You can see qsos in order using sql console and command:
select qsodate,time_on,time_off,callsign from cqrlog_main order by id_cqrlog_main desc limit 10
Sort order by id could be added to filter selections of sorting order. Could that help?.
Id is auto increasing value that is normally unvisible. And it can sort qsos even when date and time values are equal.
Try it with sql console. See picture:
Hi Saku!
Why is the order of QSOs reversed here using sql console?
I had to put "asc" in place of "desc" to get the descending order,
see below:
"select qsodate,time_on,time_off,callsign from cqrlog_main order by id_cqrlog_main asc limit 10"
it is the equivalent of:
"select qsodate,time_on,time_off,callsign from cqrlog_main order by id_cqrlog_main limit 10".
I am using the exported log on the laptop.
Did version 2.5.2 export my log with reversed IDs?
HI Giuseppe!
No updating versions do not touch databases unless there is new database version release and then usually just some columns are added or modified.
If you issue:
show tables
You will see that there are three views:
These are used to view qsos for user. The "real" database order can be seen with "order by id_cqrlog_main" and "id_cqrlog_main" is an increasing numerical value. Every qso gets new id. If you delete qso that id is not reused.
Hi Saku!
What you said in theory is right, and so it should be. In practice, however, the export done with version 2.5.2 of cqrlog seems to reverse the id_cqrlog_main number, see the screenshot attachment. That's why with SQL console I have to specify ascending order (asc) to see qsodate in descending order (desc).
Replace "export" with "import".
The id_cqrlog_main number is not exported or imported in ADIF transfers.
When ADIF file is read in every qso record gets new id_cqrlog_main at the moment it is moved from ADIF file to database. ADIF file is read from start to end and qso records are added in that order to database.
When qsos are exported first qso record written to ADIF file is the topmost qso in QSO list having biggest id_cqrlog_main. When ADIF is read back the topmost qso is read first from file and getting first id_cqrlog_main. So the order changes.
You are right.
id_cqrlog_main is for database internal use, but it can be used to separate qsos having same data and time. In original log (no exports and imports done) the latest qso will have the biggest id_cqrlog_main.
If qsos are exported and imported id order changes.
Of course export order could be reversed but the benefit of that is marginal for ordinary user. And he/she may expect to see ADIF qso records in file to be in same order as they are in QSO list view.
Change of imported qsos order is more difficult as file should then be read from bottom to top.