When selecting "Callbook > Database update" the program hangs on the first QSO. No information or error is generated. I let it sit working for about a hour just hoping... :-) This was also tested on my laptop with OpenSUSE Tumbleweed 15.3 with the same results. Back in ancient times with OpenSUSE 15.1 everything seemed to work just fine. Any suggestions?
73, Bill KT5TE
HI Bill !
I remember there was something similar before. Found these:
As you are using 2.5.2 this fix should be applied.
This is the way it should go:

When answer YES:

And then:
This appears if you have not limited update by creating a filter or selecting qsos from qso list with ctrl+left mouse click. After that update starts:
And you can cancel it at any time.

If you did cancel and after that try again you should see also this:
Does it progress like this?
And what about if you select just few qsos from qso list with ctrl+left mouse click. What happens then?
thanks for this, I had a similar problem and followed this. Appreciate the detailed instructions.
Hello Saku,
I've tried to reply, but nogo
I'll try again
73, Bill KT5TE
OK, it looks like the captcha is going to work, but I'm too lazy to re-type everything I did before. :-/
> As you are using 2.5.2 this fix should be applied.
> Does it progress like this?
> And what about if you select just few qsos from qso list
> with ctrl+left mouse click. What happens then?
The dialog just hangs, sometimes after a few clicks on the upper right hand corner X it will quit. Most of the time I have to kill cqrlog entirely. It doesn't seem to matter if I pick 1, 5, or 100 QSO(s). I've also tried using cqrlog on my laptop with opensuse tumbleweed and have the same problem.
73, Bill KT5TE
HI Bill!
Can you do full adif export from your log.
Then make a new log and import your adif.
Check from preferences/callbook support that you have right selection, callsign and password there.
Then try the update again. Either for whole log or filtered part of it.
If it still fails please make zipped file from your adif export and send it to me for check. Also filtered part of it that does not work is enough. You find my address from HamQth or qrz.
Hello Saku,
That didn't work. Should I post the db here or is there another email account I should send it to?
73, Bill KT5TE
HI BIll!
Use mycallsign
then at sral (that comes from SuomenRadioAmatööriLiitto, then Finnish Amateur Radio League).
and finally dot fi
That can be found also from HamQth or Qrz.com
Thank you!
Thank you Saku!
In the QSO list selecting Edit QSO and then F11 for Callbook - Database update works. So something is wrong with my openSuSE version of CQRLOG.
I'm not sure which direction I should head now. Maybe compile/build cqrlog myself instead of using:
Haven't had to do this in a long time... :-)
Any suggestions?
73, Bill KT5TE
Hi Bill!
Every time I send a reply to you the forum software tells it can not send email. Perhaps you have set wrong email at user account. This does not happen with other replies, so I guess forum tries to inform you about new reply but somehow fails sending the mail.
Hi !
Doing compile is most recommended to get the latest version.
As you have now running cqrlog you just need to install packages git and lazarus.
I guess you might gave git already installed.
Reading these gives you direction to go:
Raspberry PI 4 and cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3124
New Ubuntu and latest cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2984
Mint 20 Cinnamon and new cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/2998
I appreciate the help, and thank you, Saku. Your videos on youtube are very helpful too.
73, Bill KT5TE