Lost access to database, cannot get older version

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Lost access to database, cannot get older version

I have been off the air for a while. Recent cqrlog version I used was 1.x.x, but I do not remember which exactly. Now I installed the new version and get messages about invalid table structure. So I tried to get the older version, but downloads below 1.3.x are not available. 1.3 cannot access by db either.

Does it mean that if you do not keep your cqrlog up to date for a year or so, you loose access to your data and that's it? Or can I access my logs somehow, like getting the older version?

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Lost access to database, cannot get older version


you can ignore the messages generated by mysql because CQRLOG uses it as embedded database. Your data should be fine and last version of cqrlog should open it without any problem. Could you paste here what cqrlog writes down to console, please? The problem will be with something else, I suppose.

73 Petr, OK2CQR

Petr, thankyou for reply.

Petr, thankyou for reply. Below the full output of cqrlog 1.5.8:

**** DEBUG LEVEL 0 ****
**** CHANGE WITH --debug=1 PARAMETER ****

130816 15:09:58 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
130816 15:09:58 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
130816 15:09:58 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
130816 15:09:58 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib
130816 15:09:58 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
130816 15:09:59 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
130816 15:09:59 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.
130816 15:09:59 InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
130816 15:10:00 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 1589339
130816 15:10:00 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): ''; port: 64000
130816 15:10:00 [Note] - '' resolves to '';
130816 15:10:00 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
130816 15:10:00 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_current' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_history_long' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_consumers' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_instruments' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'setup_timers' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'performance_timers' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'threads' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'mutex_instances' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'rwlock_instances' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'cond_instances' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'file_instances' has the wrong structure
130816 15:10:00 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.04.1' socket: '/home/igort/.config/cqrlog/database/sock' port: 64000 (Ubuntu)
TCustomForm.SetActiveControl frmDBConnect:TfrmDBConnect AWinControl=btnOpenLog:TButton GetParentForm(AWinControl)=frmDBConnect:TfrmDBConnect csLoading=False AWinControl.CanFocus=False IsControlVisible=True Enabled=False
TApplication.HandleException Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
Stack trace:
130816 15:10:05 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

130816 15:10:05 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
Closing ini file ...
An unhandled exception occurred at $080715CB :
EAccessViolation :

igort@hp:~$ 130816 15:10:06 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1589339
130816 15:10:06 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete