Hello Petr,
just wanted to inform you that i created a wiki page for CQRLOG on the german ubuntuusers site. I hope you like it. :) If you want to read it, translate it into your language at first.
Any criticism is welcome.
What i also wanted to mention is that you should either give some information in the documentation on how to install CQRLOG and it's dependencies on 64bit systems, or to create a native 64bit version of CQRLOG.
Currently, libhamlib2 must not be installed. Instead, for example getlibs (on Debian based systems) should be used and the hamlib library be installed by executing:
sudo getlibs -p libhamlib2
it looks great! Thank you for excellent work!
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Nice to hear that you like it! I'll try to keep it updated whenever there are changes to CQRLOG.