qso list windows doesn't scroll down

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qso list windows doesn't scroll down


Open qso list
click on one callsign (eg:ok2cqr)
choose sort by call

the screen show you all qso sorted by call 1A to ok2
click on down arrow in vertical scrollbar,they stay grey at last qso ok2.

if i want to see the other qso i have to move cursor scrollbar to the top of scrollbar and go back to the end to see my ZZ qso


ok2cqr's picture
Re: qso list windows doesn't scroll down

Hi Jorge,

I'm sorry but this is a feature and it is because of speed. QSO list reads only necessary data to show. If it always reads all data it will take long time. So if you want to scroll, you can use keyboard with PgUp/PgDown keys or you can use narrows.
And of course, with CTRL+Home you can go to first record and with CTRL+End to last record.

73 Petr, OK2CQR