QTH prifle / description on QSL?

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DK5TX's picture
QTH prifle / description on QSL?


so far I haven't found anything in the documentation, so here my question:

Is it possible to print the QTH profile or QTH locator / station description on the QSL cards for the QSO which are confirmed? So far I managed to print the QSO comments on the QSL cards, but not the information from the QTH profile related to the QSO.

The reason behind this is that I'm QRV on VHF and 6m from different QTHs and it would be great to print the actually used locator for each QSO on the QSL card. And of course the station description if it differs from the normal one.

Of course I could use the comment field, but if I print more than 1 QSO on the cards with glabels only the comment from the first QSO will be taken.


ok2cqr's picture
Re: QTH prifle / description on QSL?

Hi Ulf,

this is not possible, yet. But I'll add comment, own locator and QTH profile for every QSO to next version. Thank you.

73 Petr, OK2CQR

ok1rr's picture
Re: QTH prifle / description on QSL?

I am pretty sure that such (not so frequently changing) data can be a part of QSL label template.

73 Martin, OK1RR

DK5TX's picture
Re: QTH prifle / description on QSL?

Hello Petr & Martin,

thanks for your comments, your help and your effort!