WSJTx and fldigi no logging

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WSJTx and fldigi no logging

Have set up CQRLOG according the instructions by DL1GKK. But CQRLOG don't log the QSOs.
Starting the remote control - for example 'Remote mode for wsjtx' ,a button at the bottom in red says 'Offline'
and up where the callsign normally is it says 'wsjt-x remote #1' and 'wsjt-x remote #2' in blue and red - one color or the other.
I have checked the port numbering, but can not see any error there. What did I do wrong, pse?
73 Gorm.

WSJTx and fldigi no logging

HI Gorm!

That looks ok. if text "wsjt-x remote #" changes colors and #-number it means you have connection working between cqrlog and wsjt-x.

Normal use is to set wsjt-x/settings/Reporting/"Prompt me to log qso" and also "Clear DX call and grid after logging"
Then when you wsjt-x qso is over it opens wsjt-x logging window. Then you can check qso details and perhaps add something (power etc..) and when you click "OK" there, or press ENTER key, window closes and if cqrlog remote was on qso is saved to cqrlog (and wsjt-x's own log. Good backup!)

Your "qso list" does not show anything unless you set prefrences/newQSO/"Refresh data after save QSO". Of course qsos are there without setting that, but then you must do manual update to see them using "refresh data" icon of QSO list (4th icon from right. Green twisted arrow)


Hi Saku.

Hi Saku.
Thanks a lot for answer. It worked. I had the idea that I could see the latest log entry on the front page.

73 Gorm.

WSJTx and fldigi no logging

HI Gorm.
You can see last qso(s) there at top of NewQSO.
preferences/NewQSO/"Show recent qso records for last XXX days" must be set with prefrences/newQSO/"Refresh data after save QSO".
