I have a vanilla Kubuntu 10.4 installation with a twist: CQRlog will start, but file windows, like Import and Export ADIF crash the program. The backtrace is as follows:
[WARNING] Out of OEM specific VK codes, changing to unassigned
[WARNING] Out of unassigned VK codes, assigning $FF
Starting CQRLOG ...
An error has occured setting the serial speed:9600
An error has occured setting the serial speed:9600
TApplication.HandleException Invalid floating point operation
Stack trace:
(cqrlog:8387): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_style_detach: assertion `style->attach_count > 0' failed
TApplication.HandleException: there was another exception during showing the first exception
Stack trace:
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
I'd check for dependencies, but no luck yet. Anyone any idea's?
Tnx and 73,
Hi Hans,
somewhere in KDE preferences is settings where you can choose theme for GTK apps. Please try another theme. I know there was a problem with clearlooks theme. But I'm not sure. Please let me know if it helps. Thank you.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
You nailed it Petr! However, the default GTK+ Style is QTcurve, not Clearlooks for Kubuntu 10.4. I changed it to the other installed style (Raleigh) and now the windows open like normal without crashing the program. I'm good to go now. Thanks and 73 de PA2BX
I fought this and found that a given theme can be specified in the application menu or desktop icon's properties. As I am using QtCurve by default, I really didn't like having to forgo visual integration of GTK apps into KDE just for CQRlog. So here is the trick, prepend the application path with a local environment variable in the Command entry box:
GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.themes/Nates/gtk-2.0 /home/nate/cqrlog/cqrlog
Where the theme is a color customized theme of Raleigh, in my case, but could be any GTK theme that works well with CQRlog. This way only CQRlog uses the odd/ugly/out of place theme and the rest of the apps can continue to use QtCurve or the user's preference.