100% cpu usage when cqrlog loses rig communication

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100% cpu usage when cqrlog loses rig communication

Version: 0.9.4

== How to reproduce ==

Cqrlog should already be configured for proper rig control before trying to reproduce.

1. Connect the rig to the computer and turn the rig on.

2. Start cqrlog.

3. Verify that cqrlog talks to the rig. (For instance, change the frequency on the rig and check that cqrlog responds.)

4. Unplug the rig from the computer.

== Actual Results ==

Checking cpu usage in top or any other tool will show that cqrlog takes 100% cpu (or at least 90-something%) until shut down.

== Expected Result ==

The cpu usage should not climb like this.

== Observations ==

The problem reported here does not occur if cqrlog is started without a rig attached.