For some reason a big number of QSOs in my log has the “QSL sent date” filled.
I tried to use the “group edit” to clean it up but it doesn’t work… the return is that I have to enter a valid date.
Is there a way to get empty that field (in a group base)?
Hi Roberto!
I assume you can define the group with filter or by mouse click with Ctrl pressed on "QSO list".
After that the Group edit is right selection, but you can not enter "empty" to "QSL sent date".
Either enter proper date in form of YYYY-MM-DD, or if you want to clear QSL sent date select field "QSL sent" and enter value "N" there.
It will remove QSL sent marking and also clear "QSL sent date" field.
"QSL sent date" is meant just fix the date, not clear it.
Thank you Saku,
I tried but unfortunately it doesn't work. I changed a "QSL sent" field from "SB" to "N" but the "QSL sent date" field did not change.
Do you have any idea for this?
Thank you!
Dear Saku,
I realized that if the "QSL sent" value is set up, in "QSO list" window, by the menu or shortcuts, the actual date will be recorded on "QSL sent date".
For all "Will send" and N (do not send) I understand that this is not consistent.
Am I right?
Otherwise the meaning of "QSL sent date" is actually a record of the date you decided something about QSL for the QSO.
If this is the intention, in the "New QSO" window, when any option in the field "QSL S" is selected, it should set up automatically "QSL sent dated".
That is what happened in my log, a few weeks ago I started to manage around 3000 QSOs. I develop a simple workflow to decide on how I will send QSL (or ask, OQRS, for example) I use a lot of filters and, eventually, set up using menu or shortcuts. There are hundreds of QSO marked as N, but with "sent date".
For the QSLs that I marked as SB or SMB I will correct the dates when preparing to send it.
For the ones I set up as N, so far, I can't correct it.
I have detected a bug and sent pull request to fix it. Once it is accepted you can download and compile latest source and do the
log fix with working Group edit.
If you like to fix your log before that it can be done with QSOlist/Filter/SQL console.
Just give me the filter settings that you use to find qsos with "N" and "sent date" if it is a question of several, but not all qsos in log that have "N" and "sent date".
And also the log number where you are having them.
I will then prepare the sql command for you to fix them.
I really appreciate your time.
The log nr is 7.
The easiest way to filter is:
-- the field "qsls_date" where the value is a date of october and november 2021.
I want to set up all as empty.
Thank you
Actually we do not need log number if we use QSOlist/Filter/SQL console and the log in question is opened in cqrlog.
If we do sql command from command console we need to know log number too.
But it is now easier to open the log and use cqrlog's own SQL console.
Before doing anything MAKE BACKUP from your log !
Sql comands can not be undone.
Open SQL console and write:

Then press green big arrow at the top left corner (Hint text: "Execute SQL statement" appears when mouse is on the arrow)

Nothing else should happen, but at the bottom of console text appears:
Then close SQL window and press update button of QSO list (4th from right) and you should see dates are gone.

It works!
Thank you Saku.
Let me take the opportunity to thanks you, but also Petr, Martin and the contributors group.
CQRLog is a great software that make our hobby more pleasant.
Even managing QSL cards for large groups of QSO record, become a easy and pleasant task.
All the best,
One comment, not totally related to the discussion, but maybe interesting to check.
I realized that a few times the "lotw_qslsdate" was recorded as one day before "qsodate".
I checked on LOTW and the information there is consistent (received date on LOTW is equal (or after) the QSO date).
In all cases that I found I sent to LOTW in the gap between 0:00 UTC and 0:00 local time. (here is -3UTC)
I got the impression that the "lotw_qslsdate" was recorded as local time.
This is more a report, not something that is bothers me.
Nice to hear that it worked.
Thanks for reporting. I look on that some day. I have never checked it and cqrlog should use UTC if PC clock is running UTC, as usual.
It might be that there is something in Free Pascal compiler time handling.
Sorry !
Checked the source and it seems that eQSL and LoTW work in way that if "sent" is empty (not N) also "sent date" is cleared.
With "QSL sent" there is a change to put it as empty. That is the right selection , not N as I said before.
But how ever there is a bug (I think, I must check it) that does not clear date if the qsl sent value is cleared. (like it does with eqso and lotw)
You can clean values with sql console, but that needs knowledge how you define the group of wrong qsos (by date, by band or what...?)