":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL

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":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL

Sorry for not positive question.
I compiled TQSL 2.6.5 from ARRL source to import p12 file.
I succeeded also to import and uploaded unintemtionally carelessly whole log over 35,000 QSOs. Maybe only not yet uploaded, I suppose.

But I tried "download from ARRL, and got a message ":1" is an invalid integer."
I converted the downloaded adif CRLR to LF.
But I could not find invalid that.
Is this caused by the file I uploaded ?

":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL

I have same version here: [pkg-2.6.5], Trusted QSL library v2.5, Configuration data V11.24 It works ok here.

"I succeeded also to import and uploaded unintemtionally carelessly whole log "
Did You import log from other program, or from LoTW?

"Maybe only not yet uploaded, I suppose."
To LoTW, you mean?

If you have downloaded all qsos from LoTW and made a log from them (adif import).
Or if QSOs are from other log program and you have done LoTW upload already with other program or manual there is no need to upload to LoTW any more via Cqrlog
You can do "QSO list/QSL/LoTW/Mark all QSO as uploaded to LOTW"

If you can repeat that error ":1" is an invalid integer." you could set preferences/TRXCOntrol/Poll to 5000 or bigger, close all other windows of Cqrlog than NewQSO and QSOlist and then close Cqrlog (these make less debug text).
Then start Cqrlog from command terminal as:
cqrlog --debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt

When Cqrlog starts do just the LoTW operation that causes ":1" is an invalid integer." and close Cqrlog.

When done you have file /tmp/debug.text Let me see the contents of file, please.

After that test you can restore preferences/TRXCOntrol/Poll and all the windows of Cqrlog that you closed.


":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL

23 Jun I have requested new tq6, as my period had done in old Ubuntu 22.04.2.(This Ubuntu cpild not export p12 with error)

01 Jul morning my SSD died (lost efi).
01 Jul I installed Fedora38 into another SSD.
05 Jul I requested more new tq6.
05 Jul late night I got new tq6 and exported p12.
06 Jul I have installed more again Ubuntu 22.04.2 into more another SSD. But package trustedqsl could not import p12.

Then I consulted to chat GPT. So I succeeded import p12 to new present Ubuntu 22.04.2.

I tried to set PollingRate to 5001 and saved and closed cqrlog .
Next I opened by terminal, and "Download data from ARRL" (this caused that). Naturely I got again ":1" is an invalid integer.
After closed cqrlog, I opened /tmp/debug.txt, but there I saw empty.

My QSO data was exported from expanded adif in ~/confif/cqrlog/database/DATE-TIME-tar.gz on Fedora38.And I imported it to Ubuntu via USB SSD.

I suppose, anout the empty of /tmp/, TRXControl, I do not determine Rigs, did only /usr/local/bin/rigctld and in the tab of "Fldigi/wsjtx interface", I checked "Run wsjtx ...".
Radio box shows "1 None".
So the PollingRate does not concern it, I suppose.
I usually work FT8/FT4, so I write the RIG IC-7300 (CAT control) /dev/ttyUSB0 and (PTT method) ttyUSB1 CAT in JTDX preferences. This settings work well for me.

":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL


You mean selecting this causes always error immediately ? 

Or after pressing button ?

What is Cqrlog version and date?


Try to find latest file from ~/.config/cqrlog/lotw  Filenames have day and time. When you press "doawnload data from ARLL website" new file with current day and time should be created.
Can you find that and what it looks like with text editor?




":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL

Sorry Saku,
CQRlog version is 2023-07-06 Ver.2.6.0(117) Grk2 but only fNewQSO.lfm edited.(edit box position and size).

My error timing is;
I click 17th icon from left in iconbar.(maybe same as you show image) ,
start downloading.
At the end of downnloading, cqrlog show the masage.

Now I try my setting date limitting of downloading,
after 2023-07-08 no errors.(31.9kB)
after 2023-07-07 error occurred.
And I open that adif with gedit, samely gedit shows error message.
At second time for opening that errored adif, no errors shown.
I tried to open with gvim, gvim shows no errors.

ARRL Logbook of the World Status Report
Generated at 2023-07-10 09:10:45
for je8vzk
QSL RX SINCE: 2023-07-07 00:00:00 (user supplied value)

2023-07-10 09:00:04


But I could not find any irregular ":1", following numeral or ">".


":1" is an invalid integer at downloading from ARRL

Ok, fine Waka San!
We are getting closer.
Could you send the file /home/kiitoksia/.config/cqrlog/lotw/2023-07-10_17-44-54.adi to me, please.
So I can make some tests with it.

I have problems at the moment with my email via sral.fi. It is common for all sral.fi users.
I will send you a mail from my secondary address.
