Difficulty editing "LoTW QSL sent" value and uploading QSOs to LoTW

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Difficulty editing "LoTW QSL sent" value and uploading QSOs to LoTW

I am running CQRLOG 2.5.2 on Ubuntu 22.02.4. I am trying to change the "LoTW QSL sent" value on both to "N" so I can get them uploaded to LoTW. I am doing the following:
1. Select both QSOs in the QSO List
2. Select "Group Edit"
3. Select "LoTW QSL Sent" in "Field" - Note, "Y" is displayed as the value
4. Select "N" for the new value
5. Click on "Apply" - Note, receive the "Edit done! (Press Cancel to exit)" message
6. Press "Cancel"
7. Attempt to upload to LoTW, selecting "Export only QSOs which have never been uploaded" - Note, receive an error stating "Already Uploaded QSO suppressed on line 17". This is one of the QSOs I have set to not uploaded and I need to send to LoTW. It is has not been successfully uploaded to LoTW.
8. Click on "Cancel"
9. Close the export window
10. Check the status of "LoTW QSL Sent" - Note, it is set to yes
11. Repeat the steps needed to change the status to No, but do not attempt to reupload the QSOs - Note, they still show as "Yes"

I recently upgraded from earlier versions of Ubuntu and TQSL. Everything was working fine before the upgrades.

Would appreciate help here. Thanks

Difficulty editing "LoTW QSL sent" value and uploading QSOs to L


I think this is what you see:

If you press "Ignore" you should see:

If you then press "Re-Upload qsos" you will have last warning:

If you press "Yes" then you can do the upload in normal way.


Difficulty editing "LoTW QSL sent" value and uploading QSOs to L

All warnings are coming from TQSL program, not from Cqrlog that does not care if you do re-uploads.
