Using MariaDB

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Using MariaDB

I have a new installation of CQRLOG running in Ubuntu 24.04 on a Raspberry Pi. I have installed MariaDB and want to use it for my database. However, when I start CQRLOG, it gives me an error that MySQL could not be started. It also has an additional dialog box that states Error during connection to database: TMySQL57Connection: Server connect failed. (Which I assume is because I do not have MySQL installed.) How do I get CQRLOG to look for MariaDB instead of MySQL?

Thanks and 73,
Mike, AE8U

Using MariaDB

HI MIke!
Installing MariaDB should roll over MySql so that you have only MariaDB.
How ever, for compatibility, you will have same command "mysql" if you try it from console.

Try "sudo mysql" form console and you should see the welcome prompt that says you are in MariaDB.
See also ~/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.err file with text editor.
You can delete the file and then start Cqrlog again before opening it with text editor to be sure there are no old error lines.
Also this file should talk about starting MariaDB

If either one talks about "Mysql" it means that you have not succeeded with install of MariaDB server and MariaDB client.

You can use also Mysql but then you should not check "save log data to local machine" and instead create a mysql user with password and grant all privileges to to that user for databases `cqr%@localhost`.
Then you fill up server address localhost and port 3306 with your user and it's password in "database connect" window.
Your logs are still "in local machine" as you have mysql server there running in port 3306 always. Logs are not now in your ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder and you can not do backup with just copying ~/.config/cqrlog folder. You need to backup your mysql server too.
