QSL work: CTRL-R + CTRL-W = CTRL-something

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QSL work: CTRL-R + CTRL-W = CTRL-something

Hello all,
I do not send out QSL cards self-motivated, but I answer every QSL which comes in. So my basic procedure is:
CTRL-F (for finding the callsign in the log)
CTRL-R (for marking as received QSL)
CTRL-W (for sending out QSL via bureau)

My question is if the CTRL-R and CTRL-W could be combined in one shortcut, maybe CTRL-B (for 'bureau in/out') or an F-key or whatever. Not being a top of the line but average contester, I have to answer abt 1000 QSL cards every year. I'd love to avoid some of the 2000 CTRL-something monkey grips ;-)

F-key is more appreciated than CTRL-something ...