I would like to interface my CW Contest Keyer with CQRLog. Either directly or by writing to the SQL DB directly. Do you have information on how I can do that?
I have received several user requests to interface with your program. Right now I use Xlog. My program is called eepkeyer.
It can be found here: http://www.hamsoftware.org/eepkeyer.html
It has features not found in any other Contest keyer program. Like cut numbers for example. You can turn individual ones on or off. It is highly configurable and designed to allow for fast QSO rates.
Tue, 2013-03-05 22:22
Developer info request
Hello Mike,
CQRLOG uses mysql embedded database. It starts it's own mysql server on port 64000 when program starts and mysql is killed when cqrlog is closed. So if you want to enter data directly to MySQL database, you have to run mysqld with the program or CQRLOG must be running. Maybe the second options is easier.
The database structure is not complicated. There are a few fields you have to fill from your app:
qsodate, time_on, callsign, rst_s, rst_r, adif, waz, itu, band (in adif format e.g. 80M, 40M etc) and freq. That's all I think.
I used to you app in iota contest but I had several problems with it. I think it's because I used to use N6TR based logging programs.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Thanks Petr. I connected just fine. Should I send the new QSO data to the Table, cqrlog_main only?
Any other tables need to be updated when entering a new QSO?
Looks like I can do it. That's very nice.
I have my program talking to CQRLog now. It connects to the DB and I can read from the database.
This is going to be great!
Gee .. where were you when ARRL DX CW was going on? I was using your keyer on Day 2 with xlog. This is great news to have it interface directly with CQRlog (or at least write directly into the DB). Thanks for this.
Can you post the link to the source (is it OSS?) would love to test it.
73 Mike K5TRI