WSL - Elecraft K4 - Few questions

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WSL - Elecraft K4 - Few questions

OK, I have been away from Linux for a long time (work stuff).
Well, things may change back now that I'm retired. I just installed Ubuntu on WSL.
The radio is an Elecraft K4D. Can I use the IP address for TRX Control? if not under WSL, how about directly?

How do I know what my USB devices are? Like my MORTTY devices?
The K4 does have a USB cable that I can use for audio and some keying.
I know things like VNC, RustDesk and etc are available.

Just want to start playing again in Linux. I know that TRLinux is available. I


WSL - Elecraft K4 - Few questions


At preferences/TRXControl you put IP an port to "Device". See the picture in main page of

USB devices:
With command console give command:
ls /dev/tty*
or command :
ls /dev/ACM*

See the device list when your USB device is connected and when you have pulled plug off.
Se what device disappears and appears.
Unfortunately it may change the device name like Windoze does.

You can also try command
ls /dev/serial/by-id/

from there you can see longer name and that should not change, it just appears and disappears.

You can combine name and the path together and use it as "device". At least Hamlib and Cqrlog supports this longer naming too.


Thank you,

Thank you,
Made little progress. It appears the radio works. I missed the initial page.
I may have to build a system. Trying this via WSL is different.
So far, I have not figured out the MORTTY or radio keying.
I also realized that Win11 & WSL serial translation stops after 4 ports.

WSL - Elecraft K4 - Few questions


You have two ways to send CW from Cqrlog.

First it seems that your Mortty device can emulate K3NG. That is supported by Cqrlog/Preferences/CWinterface
As the Mortty seems to be built on RasperryPi it might show up as /dev/ACM% instead of /dev/ttyUSB% (where % represents a number)
There is not much to adjust in Cqrlog/Preferences/CWinterface. As soon as you know the port name you just set right serial speed and initial CW WPM.
At Mortty side you have to enable K2NG support (I have no idea how to do that).

The second way is to use Hamlib CW keyer. I assume K4 can do it as being a modern rig. The setup is even more easier. Just set the initial CW WPM.
If you did get the radio CAT control working the Hamlib keyer will use same definition taken from Preferences/TRXControl

For RTTY I recommend to install fldigi program. It can communicate with Cqrlog when logging qsos.
There are two ways. IPC lookup where Cqrlog loos at fldigi's logged qsos and if see new one(s) copies them to Cqrlog.
XML lookup where Cqrlog will look what is happening in fldigi during qso. That allows Cqrlog to know the callsign right away when qso is started and so
it can make callbook information search already during qso. With XML qso is saved using Cqrlog button to Cqrlog, and if wanted via fldigi button to fldigi's own log.

fldigi uses rig's audio for decoding, but I think K4 has also the audio connected via same USB cable as the rig's CAT control and appears as another soundcard in Linux.

I have ICOM IC7300 and have no experience with K-series rigs.



>"I also realized that Win11 & WSL serial translation stops after 4 ports."

Give up and install a real linux.
If you can not make standalone Linux machine then the second best is to make dual boot system, perhaps separate SSDs for both OS.

If you can not do that then the third way is to use virtual machine for example with Oracle VM virtual box.
As last option it may be WSL.

How ever all but pure Linux machine will have less running power and compatibility.
