modern transceivers with a build-in CW-keyer can generate Morse-code via CAT-interface. Via hamlib this can be achieved with the "b" command (send_morse). I tested it successfully via the hamlibd-daemon (started with cqrlog) with following command:
echo "b text to send as morse code" | nc localhost 4532
(hamlib V.1.2.14 -> Kenwood TS-590S)
It would be nice to have a third option under Preferences -> CW Interface: "hamlibd".
Greetings from Germany
DL5OBY, Peter
Hi Peter,
thank you for suggestion, I didn't know about that. I just wrote it to my todo list.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
This would be great for ts-2000 owners as well. Have you been able to make any progress and/or could you use some help?